Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dame's Rocket

 Pink Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis)

Ontario fields are beginning to turn shades of pink and mauve with flowering Dame's Roket.

 Mauve Dame's Rocket

In some places Dame's Rocket is considered an invasive weed, but along the roadsides it's very pretty nonetheless.

White Dame's Rocket


Revrunner said...

What a name! :-)

Lowell said...

Wonder where it got its name
Funny to be called a dame
When it is just a flower.
Still, in all, it's very pretty
Like a fragile woman
And that perhaps is its claim to fame!

Anvilcloud said...

Ah yes, mine are out in my jungle-like back corner.

Buttons Thoughts said...

And this is why I come here beautiful photos and finding out what is growing in my back yard. Thank you. Hug B

Buttons Thoughts said...

And this is why I come here beautiful photos and finding out what is growing in my back yard. Thank you. Hug B

Judy said...

I don't think I have seen this before...

Lois said...

They are so pretty and delicate!

William Kendall said...

I rather like the look of them

Malyss said...

The flower is probably saved by its beauty!

Small City Scenes said...

So many weeds even invasive ones can be so pretty. MB

Sue (this n that) said...

It's a beauty. So called weeds... well, yes, they can be a problem when spreading - but it doesn't stop them being admired by some ;D)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'll take that as an invasive weed over the scotch broom we have here any day!

Halcyon said...

I wouldn't mind it invading. :)
Very pretty!

Darla said...

Looks to lovely to be considered a weed. Must be pretty along the roadside.


Linda W. said...

Very pretty flowers! Nice shots.

Anonymous said...

You sure know your plant names.

Stuart said...

Maybe the prettiest weed ever ?! Those clusters remind me of a geranium's.

Lisa Gordon said...

Ours is in bloom now too , and it is so beautiful this year.

Your photographs are wonderful!

TexWisGirl said...

pretty little 4-petal bloom!

Rose said...

They are all so beautiful!

Karen said...

I didn't know what they were called! Great shots of these beauties!

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful captures,

RedPat said...

Now I have a name for them!

cieldequimper said...

What a name for these pretties!

Pamela Gordon said...

They are pretty but I don't know if I've seen it here. I'll keep my eyes open.

Gail Dixon said...

I'd rather have an invasive flower growing on the roadsides than just grass. I think they're lovely and I'll bet a whole field of them is stunning.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty little flowers!

Ela said...

wow ! Pretty flowers and colors !

Judy said...

Oh so pretty each of them!

Shammickite said...

Dame's Rocket..... I must remember that. I never knew it's name but I've seen it everywhere, very pretty.

Stephanie said...

Pretty flowers!

Jack said...

Dame's Rocket . . . it looks like a plant that I should know, but frankly I am drawing a complete blank. Still, it looks pretty.

Randy said...

Odd name for such a beautiful plant.

Susan Anderson said...

I like the mauve one, although it looks more like magenta than mauve to me…


Kathy said...

For a weed, it's awfully pretty!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.