Friday, March 27, 2015

Post Office Vertigo

Refection in post office door

1. It can be a dizzying experience to buy stamps in Canada. To send a postcard or letter from here to anywhere in Canada it costs $1.00 if you buy one stamp at a time... or 85 cents if you purchase 10 for $8.50.

2. The cost of sending a letter or postcard to the U.S.A. is $1.20, to other international destinations $2.50.

Another view

3. Speaking of ever-rising prices, it’s amazing how little you can get for a million dollars these days. The average price of a detached home in Toronto is $1 million. After paying the mortgage would there be much left over for food?

4.  Would you believe exotic colour names sell products better than common names? Apparently it's true. A study involving candy revealed that jelly beans called unusual names such as razzmatazz were more likely to be chosen than those with ordinary names - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, brown or black - even if the candies both looked and tasted the same.

5.  Razzmatazz is one of 23 different red-coloured crayons sold by Crayola. FYI: I won't be eating any crayons soon, no matter what they call them.

To enjoy reflections from around the world, visit James at Weekend Reflections HERE

I am joining Nancy's Random 5 Friday at Rural Journal HERE


Ingrid said...

That's the same here with stamps ! The post has become very expensive and on top it's a lousy service, you are never sure if your mail arrives !
and with the house prices also !

Beautiful reflections !

The Cranky said...

Wow, and I thought prices had gone up here!

Somehow I doubt I'd eat anything called razzmatazz. Just doesn't sound terribly palatable.

diane b said...

Our stamps are expensive too but our houses are not so dear unless they are something special.

Kate said...

I don't think that you can beat red brick for beauty.

Unknown said...

What color is razzmatazz? A shade of red or purple? I think I will stick with the plain ordinary names.

Postage in the US is high, 49 cents for a stamp. After reading this post I don't think I will complain as much. $1.00/stamp is outragious.

Have a fabulous weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I knew about the high price of real estate from watching House Hunters on HGTV in Canada. and i know the cost of books is higher because the books have USA/Canada prices on them. I did not know about the postage. that is a lot to send a letter.

George said...

You captured some fascinating reflections -- thanks for sharing them. I'm pretty sure I couldn't afford to live in Toronto.

Gill - That British Woman said...

don't even get me started about the price of stamps. Which reminds me I must get a birthday card sent to Britain, as I was told the price of stamps were going up at the end of March?

John's Island said...

Interesting list. I had no idea that postage costs were so high in Canada. That is a first for me to hear of a lower price when buying a larger quantity of stamps!

Debbie said...

pretty post office and i LOVE the brick!!!!

Anvilcloud said...

I must say that since I've been AWOL, you have by far the most posts on my list. :)

Due to the price of stamps, I sent out as few Christmas cards as possible this year, sending as many as possible by email.

Unknown said...

As ever lovely pictures, could we see it in b&w just a though. Talking of stamps we had a parcel arrive from LA this morning, $80.25 postage plus duty of £30...

Snap said...

I won't complain about the price of postage in the US after reading your post. It is amazing what things cost these days. Love the reflections in the door of the post office. I won't be eating any crayolas either...:)

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Great post - loved the info about colors. I too will not be eating crayolas - no matter what they call them

eileeninmd said...

I like the brick and the reflections. Pretty captures. It is amazing how fast the cost of stamps has gone up.. Happy Friday!

Birdman said...

I could spent a million more wisely... well for me anyway.

Nancy said...

My mom regularly writes to Canada and it does get expensive! Love your randoms and thanks for joining in. xo

Kathy said...

Gee, our postage is a bargain compared to yours!

I like the post office. Most of ours today are very modern utilitarian buildings with little character. And we put our wanted posters on a wall inside. I think I like them on the door better!

Sylvia K said...

I do love the brick post office and a reflection for the day! And thanks for a giggle to start the day -- and I don't plan on eating any of those crayons either!! Hope you have a fun weekend! Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Well I could send a letter and not lose sleep over it but as for buying a home there, I'd wind up living out of my motor home on the street. Glad you didn't say what jelly beans cost but then, I am not all that fond of jelly beans so it wouldn't matter none.

William Kendall said...

I like the shots!

I expect a lot of it in Toronto, and other high market areas, come from the real estate agents, driving prices way up beyond what the homes are worth just to pad their pockets that much more. You can find better homes much cheaper out in the countryside.

Linda W. said...

Cool reflections in the doors!

Jo said...

I love the reflections! Our Post Office has been on strike since mid-2014... Strange that exotic name colors sell better!

RedPat said...

An exotic name gives a sense of special to an object don't you think.
If you are already in the housing market here in Toronto you are okay, but if you move here from somewhere else or have no home to sell and trade up, you are in big trouble.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Super reflections EG.. Not so much the price of stamps although I did hear a rumour that our stamps might go up to $1, gosh I remember when they were 25 cents :)

21 Wits said...

Gee it does make a person not want to mail something, and still I enjoy "happy friendly" mail not so much all the junk mail that comes in daily. The postman tells me that prices wouldn't have climbed so high if more folks used the post office mailings. It's true I guess. Your post office photos are incredible, especially the reflection in the window! Very cool.

VP said...

I love bricks and strange reflections, so you made me happy today!

Anonymous said...

Your post office is very beautiful

Anonymous said...

Going to the post office in the UK is a very trying experience these days, you get grilled about buying insurance, foreign currency, mobile phone top ups etc etc etc!

TexWisGirl said...

the stamp buying thing is odd! :)

Ida said...

Cool reflection shots. - I think postage almost anywhere is expensive and sometimes the service doesn't justify the cost.
I laughed so much at the fact you won't be eating that razzmatazz crayon anytime soon. - It is funny how things like the way something is named make a person want to eat or buy it even though something that is the same but isn't fancy named isn't chosen. People are weird.

Malyss said...

Interesting facts !Stamps are more and more expensive (well , everything is !)
Great reflection!
Have a nice week-end !

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

These are great reflection in the door. people are so gullible these days. Have a lovely weekend.

Mascha said...

Great photos!
With us stamps not cheaper if you buy 10. That could be my dream...
Have a nice weekend

cieldequimper said...

Postal prices have risen dramatically here recently...

A Colorful World said...

Great reflections in the post office door! Loved the shots! Your stamps are so expensive! Everything has gone up in this world we live in though! That was interesting about the color names...I like the thought of the name razzmatazz, but have no clue what color it would be. I'm guessing between fuscia and purple???

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have often wondered why everything in Canada costs so much more! Perhaps it helps pay for social programs or health care? The old door is pretty, and very good reflections.

CountryMum said...

Postage around the world will continue to rise because of declining usage due to the internet. I think that is very sad. There is nothing quite like getting a letter in the mail.

Love your post office reflection photo. Stunning!!

Cloudia said...

Think of it as paying someone to hand deliver your post 3 provinces away and it seems a bargain! My mail must fly...

ALOHA from Honolulu

Pondside said...

The post office door really does inspire a certain dizziness!

Stephanie said...

I rarely use the snail mail these day because it is too expensive. Love the reflective P.O. reflective door. Love the brick building!

Kay said...

Great post! I love these shots. And is it my fascination with details that I find your comments so interesting? Your postcards cost at least triple what they do in the U.S. And housing costs in California - metro areas, in particular - are one of the reasons I left. Crazy expensive! And you've explained to me the nutty color names of my card making paper stocks: baked brown sugar, crisp cantaloupe, pistachio pudding, melon mambo, blackberry bliss.

Randy said...

Nice reflection. Homes are really pricey there.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We have "forever" stamps for first class mail within the states-- always good no matter how many times the rate raises. I thought that was such a good idea at the beginning but I mail so few things these days that I hope I live long enough to use up my supply! We might have to will them to our kids;))). And I still have to stand in line to send packages to the grands several times a year and Christmas cards to friends in Canada and England.

Jim said...

Great reflections

Jenn Jilks said...

Did you know you can make your own stamps? I had two different kinds made one Christmas, one of each granddaughter and gave them to the kids!!!

Mari said...

I might fall for colors but not to a name like razzmatazz :)))

The reflection's beautifully captured.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Like many others, we buy "forever"stamps... a lot of them but I never realized how expensive it was for postage there, even though that is an excellent reflection!!...:)JP

Viera said...

Fantastic reflection in post office door... great shot

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.