Friday, March 13, 2015


Wednesday afternoon

The ice on the local creeks is beginning to melt. Here a puddle has formed on the ice and grasses are reflected in it.

A longer view

Random 5 Friday

1. A Canadian climatologist has dubbed February 2015 in York Region (the region in which I live north of Toronto) “Fridguary.”  Apparently it was the coldest February in eight decades!

2. If you like B&W photography, you might like to look at Elliott Erwitt's photos HERE.  In addition to being a very fine photographer, he has a great sense of humour too!

3. The guy who invented K-cups doesn’t use them in his home. He regrets having invented them as he believes they are an environmental nightmare. He designed a coffee-pod machine for office use, never dreaming at the time that people would use them in their homes.

4. Taber, Alberta's town council has passed a bylaw that states that anyone in their  community yelling, screaming or using profanity in public can be fined $150 for the first offence, $250 for the second.  Hmmm. I can think of a few people who could grow broke fast!

5.  I rarely drink soft drinks, still I found it interesting that for more than a century Coca-Cola has added more sugar to to the Canadian version than  to its American counterpart. Apparently they will soon reduce the mount by 7% to match what's sold in the U.S. Both will be sold in smaller cans and bottles. I bet the price won't be less, though.

To enjoy reflections from around the world, visit James at Weekend Reflections HERE

I am joining Nancy's Random 5 Friday at Rural Journal HERE


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely scene and I loved reading your thoughts.

The Cranky said...

Winter is loosening it's grasp; albeit slowly and unwillingly.

Beautiful photos!

Andy said...

Nice to see the ice and snow turning into water.

I have always noticed a difference in taste between Canadian and American Coke. Now I know why.

Tonight I am going to go out on the street and scream my lungs out. ;-)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Well #1 I certainly know that one to be true:)
Taber is going to be rich:)
More sugar in ours that just figures:) Hug B

Unknown said...

Love your puddles, all nice colours :)
And I like your thoughts as well :))
Have a beautiful day

Linda said...

Love the reflections in the photo.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so that is why our cokes don't taste as good as they did when i was growing up.. we don't drink soda unless we are out somewhere and thirsty.. i have often thought that the k pods are really piling up in our trash piles, to bad he did not think of it before he put it out there. Americans are really filling up the enviroment with throwaway every thing. think paper towels and paper plates, billions of baggies and throwaway everything. all in the interest of saving time... we need to start saving our planet.

Anonymous said...

You're right about the price, these type of things have been growing smaller in size for years... but the price keeps on growing bigger!

Donna said...

Lovely to see melting...coldest February ever here....

Kate said...

Wonderful shots of nature at its picturesque best despite the cold.

Darla said...

Coldest February? Wow!.
I've wondered about those K-cups. They seem extremely wasteful for home use.


Birdman said...

That K-cup guy. SERVES his right for inventing them. Bottoms up!

Debbie said...

it's all melted here and my grass is like quicksand!! good eye on the reflection!!!

Veronica Roth said...

Those are beautiful pond photos. I love painting reflections and those would make beautiful paintings. Funny about the pop. I don't drink any pop at all and am really glad about that. Did you see the info about McDonalds' mix of ingredients for products in America compared to products in the UK? Outrageous. Glad I don't eat McDonalds anything. Don't drink coffee either, K-cups or no K-cops. Boy, I sound like a saint, don't it? LOL

Kathy said...

I know a little bit about water these days. Another day of rain for us today.

Linda W. said...

Very creative, capturing the grass reflections in the melting ice!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots!

Taber Alberta really should grasp the notion that their little idea is not going to stand up to a Charter challenge.

Sylvia K said...

Great reflections for the day, but it does still look SO cold!! I haven't had a Coke in more years than I can remember!! Interesting info for Random 5!! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Stay warm!!

GreenComotion said...

Nice (cold) photos!
I like your five observations very interesting.
The coffee pod machines are a definite addition to the wastage and I am not sure if they are recycled or if they end-up in landfills. If that's the case, that's truly sad :(
On the added sugar, you may have also noticed that, now, Peanut Butter, has added HFCS, there is no full-fat yogurt, but there are a dozen or more varieties of low-fat yogurts with added sugar/HFCS of one type or another.

Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Karen said...

Lovely reflections EG! Hubbers is still looking for a way to recycle his K cups. Coke, too much sugar, I rarely drink it.

orvokki said...

Lovely spring-winter views and very nice reflections.

Gill - That British Woman said...

interesting facts and lovely photographs.

James said...

Very cool! No pun intended. :-) I don't think I've ever taken a pic of an ice reflection.

Snap said...

Lovely scenery. I enjoy seeing your snow, but sorry that it was the coldest Feb in 8 decades! Yikes! I think the K-cup guy is sorry he invented them. I don't use them, but the folks who do (mainly in offices) love them. I don't think anything every gets cheaper! Happy Friday!

thewovenspoke said...

Yikes, K cups are too pricy for me and I agree a environmental nightmare with some of the other stuff out there. I do like your pond shots, stay warm.

TexWisGirl said...

i know that mexican coca-cola is different from the US version, too. my friend wouldn't drink the mexican version if it was served in restaurants.

Mary Hone said...

Interesting little factoids. And such a great photo of almost spring.

Rose said...

As for the screaming and yelling...we had neighbors that were horrible for a while...thank God they are gone. I wonder why Coca Cola adds more sugar to your version of coke...have you ever heard the reasoning behind that? I am going to check on the link you furnished.

Jenn Jilks said...

We froze over last night! I cleaned the front deck and accidentally unplugged the bird bath heater. sigh.

Malyss said...

I find fabulous to cactch reflections on ice !Impossible in my part of the world ! :o)

Bethany Carson said...

Fridguary sounds very appropriate for here as well! Brrr!!! Nice to see the ice melting. We are waiting for it to finish melting on the Iowa River so we can try out our new (to us) canoe.

Interesting to learn about the sugar in the Canadian soda pop--and I always thought out pop was sweet!

Some people could end up paying dearly with that profanity law!

21 Wits said...

Lovely shots! I have to laugh over the man who invented the K-cups!

Janet said...

Absolutely love the reflections in those shots!! Greeting for a great weekend from a fellow "Fridguarian” :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

How do you know so much? These are cool facts!! We have a Kuerig coffee maker and love it so much. We use it every day, all day. We have a whole cabinet full of K Cups! Both coffee and tea. What was the reason for more sugar in Canada??? I love your pretty sky and the reflections of the reeds and grasses.

Photo Cache said...

Yay, spring is heading your way.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a salt water marsh !

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those first few icy puddles are a wonderful sight to winter weary eyes.

Ida said...

Very pretty scenes and reflections.
1. Brrrr...I feel for everyone who had a horribly cold winter. We just had a couple of weeks of cold temps but no snow.
2. I'll check that out as I do enjoy BW photography.
3. Perhaps he should have thought about that before he invented the machine.
4. Yikes...I don't swear but I'm sure that law would really make a lot of people think twice before they do.
5. That's a good thing about reducing the sugar. I've seen the smaller cans/bottles in stores too which is also a good thing.

cieldequimper said...

More sugar than in the US one? That's a bomb already, good grief!

Love those pictures, the colours remind me of Yellowstone NP. Oh and that single cloud...

Deanna said...

Well, at least the snow is melting eventho you had the coldest Feb on record. Ours was pretty darn cold as well. Interesting fact about Coca Cola, as well as other tidbits you threw in. Happy weekend!!

RedPat said...

I heard them talking about Taber this am on CBC - crazy! I'll have to listen for Andy yelling tonight. ;-)

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures, nice to see you have some blue sky and the ice is melting...

Kay said...

I love your shots (so happy you're getting some melting...a sure sign of spring). Interestingly it looks like a desert scene.

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful B&W photos! I refused to buy a K-cup machine when I needed a new coffee-maker because the machine uses lead and other chemicals in the production and the chemicals leach into the coffee!!!

Getting fined for swearing! I love it!

How awful that they added more sugar to your Coca-Cola! Well, we'd all be doing great if we quit drinking soft-drinks altogether!

Great Random 5!

Stephanie said...

Beautiful reflections and enjoyed reading your random 5.

BasiaW said...

Those are beautiful photos.

s.c said...

At last spring is coming. Nice landscape.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Must be a lot screamers in that town! Wow- Coca-Cola..that's wack! Why in the world would they have done that? I wish I could stop drinking diet sodas...I'm trying right now by adding lemon water here and there, but I'm addicted - it is so hard to break this habit.

Viera said...

such a beautiful place as well as the winter reflection...

abrianna said...

Huh I did not know that Coke had more sugar there than here. Interesting. Will have to check out Elliott's me some good black and whites.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.