Sunday, August 16, 2015


 Dragonfly on thistle seed head

A thistle doesn't look like the most comfortable spot to wait for prey to pass by...but I'm not a dragonfly so what do I know?

 Reds and oranges ALREADY

Every August I'm surprised to see a few leaves changing colours. Why am I surprised when it happens every year?

Thistle fluff

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.  


Stephanie said...

It seems summer has finally got going and now it will be Autumn just around the corner. In a months time. Nice shot!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what exquisite captures -- as always!! And, as always, they do take my breath away!! I haven't seen any leaves turning yet, but we seldom see that change before late September and it is colorful here then!! I usually am not ready for Fall, but this year I AM!! Hope you have a beautiful new week!!

Michelle said...

Love to see the Dragonfly. My grandmother always called them, "Snake Doctors".

DeniseinVA said...

Very special nature photos. Love the red dragonfly as I don't get to see too many of those unless I am traveling.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is beginning to look more like fall.

TexWisGirl said...

lovely shots!

The Furry Gnome said...

Amazing focus on that thistle!

GreenComotion said...

Nice photos of the Thistle and the lovely dragonfly, Tina!
Is it near Fall already? :)
Have a Wonderful Week!
Peace :)

The Cranky said...

These are beautiful; I especially love the dragonfly - of course!

BasiaW said...

These are beautiful!

Indrani said...

Whoa! The first capture is stunning!
Great series!

Amy at love made my home said...

I was surprised this weekend to see leaves starting to change colour too! That dragonfly photo is amazing!! xx

Kay said...

We've got abundant thistles right now but I can't say I've seen anything close to your beautiful red dragonfly. It's wonderful.
I'm also starting to see the beginnings of autumn leaves (sigh)...and thistle fluff is everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Great shots, but the first one does indeed look a little painful!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous captures! I love the dragonfly and the thistle fluff.

maryaustria said...

Wonderful photos! Love the dragonfly!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gorgeous series of macros EG, the dragon fly on thistle gorgeous but my fav is the third, almost abstract shot, fabulous!

MadSnapper said...

I really love that wispy thistle at the end. gorgeous. and so is that red dragonfly. OUCH on sitting on the thistle. we saw the biggest dragonfly we have ever seen, almost as big as a humming bird and brilliant gold

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos!!!!
Have a nice week.

William Kendall said...

The dragonfly might think it's the ideal perch.

Jeevan said...

A change is always welcomed and makes look forward too... so there’s no surprise to feel same for the change in color! Beautiful shots

Halcyon said...

You always capture such great macros. :)

VP said...

Excellent, as always!

RedPat said...

Every time I see a dragonfly I think of you and how you seem to be able to get great pics of them all the time! I never see them sit still! It sure feels like summer today, EG!

Rose said...

Love these, EG! As to being surprise, I am the same way. I have not looked in a few days, but last week, I noticed a bright red leave on a tree across the street. It was totally green otherwise...the leave was too high for me to photograph. and I have been watching the yellows develop on the cottonwoods south of us...our favorite time is approaching. We need to eat our wheaties and stay healthy till we can get out and enjoy it!

cieldequimper said...

Gorgeous shots!

Birgitta said...

Beautiful and special nature photos!

Aimz said...

what a cool idea! are the flowers marigolds?

Ileana said...

Fall is knocking at the door! :) Great photos!

eileeninmd said...

Lovely series of images! The dragonfly and thistle fluff are beauties! I have been seeing some fall colors here too.

Rambling Woods said...

I hear the baby american goldfinch begging and that is my end of summer cue.. Lovely dragonfly and thistle photo Tina... Michelle

Jack said...

You are so good with macro shots.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.