Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Light on Lake Simcoe

 Yesterday, the red light at Virginia on Lake Simcoe

I was sure the water was frozen on the south side of Lake Simcoe.  Wrong! Our mild winter weather has allowed crews with diggers to churn the water enough to keep the harbour open for traffic between Georgina Island and the mainland.

 Close view of the light

I walked along the pier to  move closer to the light. It was a gorgeous day and I wasn't wearing gloves. Could this have really been February 2nd, Candlemas and Groundhog Day?!

Even closer

I am joining Wednesday Waters HERE.


Giga said...

Weather truly spring. Also with us. It looks beautiful lake with pier in the background. Regards.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Belas fotografias.
Um abraço e boa semana.

chica said...

Lindo e adoro o farol! bjs,chica

biebkriebels said...

The weather continues to amaze us this year, nice photos of the ice on the lake. We even don't have that...

Andy said...

With the mild weather that we have been having I am surprised there is still ice on the lake. Freezing rain today? It's just rain here in Pickering.

diane b said...

it still looks cold to mebut I hope you are enjoying the mild winter.

DeniseinVA said...

Very pretty scenes. Glad you are having milder temperatures.

Jens Hamn said...

Oh impressive your photo!
I've never seen it !!

Bill said...

Looks can be deceiving, still I wouldn't get the impression it was warmer than it looks in your photo. Great perspective!!

eileeninmd said...

Wow, it looks very icy to me. I am glad you are having warmer temps. Pretty views and photos. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I'm investing in the sunscreen companies.

Linda said...

The weather has been so different this winter, I'm loving the milder temperatures. Today it is pouring of rain, yet around Hwy 7, just to the north of us it is ice.

TexWisGirl said...

nice and sunny, too!

Christine said...

A glorious day and fine pics of the lake.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that ice looks really cold to m.. but pretty also.. our weather is so crazy, we had record cold last Sat and yesterday record heat with a repeat of record heat today. we had to turn the AC on for an hour last night before we went to bed. the house was at 84 and humid.

Jeevan said...

Cool captures on the frozen lake and good sunlight across the place!

Jenn said...

That lake is usually well frozen by now... no ice fishing this year!

Linda W. said...

Brrr! Look at all that ice! Great photos.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh now that is a beautiful sight. Love your photos and yes the weather is indeed warm. Hug B

Carola Bartz said...

These pictures are lovely - the contrast between the blue and white and then the red is beautiful. The ice on the water makes me cold, though - and you weren't wearing gloves? Wow.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Still cold though EG! Is the red light like a mini lighthouse, a warning to show incoming the rocks?

William Kendall said...

One wouldn't want to step into that water right now!

Pamela Gordon said...

The sky in the first photo is such a pretty blue. It's been a very strange winter for southern Ontario and also for us. I'm not a big snow fan but the lack of it is not good.

Lowell said...

Looks more like spring with the ice breaking up. Beautiful shots, EG!

Noke said...

Schöne Bilder vom Eis bei schönem Wetter.


RedPat said...

I'm surprised there is that much Ice, EG! I bet some people will be out in shorts this afternoon!

21 Wits said...

I liked this! We do have a wonderful world waiting outside don't we?

Sylvia K said...

We're having such a mild winter here in Oregon, too!!! Amazing temps for February!! But all that ice does look cold to me!!! Terrific captures as always, EG!!

cieldequimper said...

Aha. Ice. I am happy. :-)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Oh a strange winter we are having all right. I can't believe how warm it is for you compared to past years at this time.

Anvilcloud said...

Nice photos, particularly the first.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Hard to believe that it is this nice at this time of year.

Cloudia said...

Amazing how a familiar place in nature is always different

Suburban Girl said...

These pictures are amazing. I love the first one, I think it is my favorite of your images that I have seen.

Revrunner said...

Still a lot of ice by our standards.

Gill - That British Woman said...

this weather is just gorgeous. I hope it lasts.

Tom said...

the closer I get the colder I feel.

Rose said...

Yesterday was 64º but today was much colder, but I don't know the temp. Lets just say I put on warmer clothes. And we have not had hardly any snow!

Rose said...

I forgot to say the sky is so beautiful in that first shot...

Nadezda said...

Great views, amazing weather! Here the ice on the Gulf of Finland is still thick.

Ingrid said...

Gorgeous pictures !

Halcyon said...

THose ice chunks make for nice photos!

Stephanie said...

One word comes to mind is "cold". Looks beautiful in the sunshine though.

Susan Anderson said...

Brrrr. That looks positively, unremittingly frigid.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.