Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bufflehead Female/ Camera Critters

Female bufflehead duck

This sweet little duck was hidden amongst a flock of  mallards and a gaggle of geese so I didn't see her at first.  Being much smaller than the mallards and diving for her dinner, it finally dawned on me that she was different. Then when people loaded with chunks of bread arrived, all the geese and ducks quickly left the area to beg for handouts. Except this one, who looked in amazement at her friends' odd behaviour, then dove under for another tasty morsel.

To join in the fun, visit Misty Dawn at CAMERA CRITTERS 


eileeninmd said...

A great sighting of this pretty female Bufflehead. Wonderful capture, have a great weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this must mean buffleheads like fish more than bread. never seen of heard of one and I love the NAME

Roan said...

I haven't seen or heard of this kind of duck. This one sure is a beauty, and nice of her/him to pose so nicely. Great shot!

Kate said...

The lone bird with more sense than her cousins! You seem to know so much about birds; thanks for sharing both the information and the photos with us!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great picture. The duck is cute and I love the colour of the water.Everything about this picture is perfect.

Jill said...

She really does have a sweetness about her. Lovely shot.

Judy said...

She's a cute one and I can't really say if I've ever seen this one before.

Snap said...

She is lovely! Smart, too. Go for the low carb diet! :D :D Happy Critter Day!

Viola said...

Oh! HOW beautiful she is!! :) I should go to see the birds one day too, by the water.. :)

Nancy said...

A pretty little lass! Great colors in this photo. ;)

Birdman said...

I guess it's true. Some things are what they're 'quacked' up to be.

Betty Manousos said...

glad to see this!

beautiful capture! and colours.

happy weekend!

TexWisGirl said...

a very cute little thing!

Anonymous said...

She is certainly bright eyed and bushy tailed!

Anonymous said...

That duck just wanted to go her own way!

Lovely pic!

Randy said...

A bathing beauty!

Anonymous said...

She was all alone? I wonder where her family went to... poor thing.

Tammie Lee said...

sweet is the first word that came to me as well. fun to read your story about what happened.

DeniseinVA said...

Great photo, love that twinkle of light in its eye.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot of the female!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable. I wonder where the rest of her family/friends were.

Anonymous said...

I like these ducks and the females are usually ignored (except by the males) by us photographers. Very nice.

Hootin Anni said...

Amazing...but of course, you know I love to view and take photos of birds.

My Camera Critter Link: PELICANS Cormorants and Water

RedPat said...

She's a cutie for sure!

Buttons Thoughts said...

She is beautiful. B

Jane said...

Nice one!

Jidhu Jose said...

nice shot

Camera Critters

Jidhu Jose said...

nice shot

Camera Critters

Sherri B. said...

Beautiful capture! What a sweet face that bird has.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a sweet little duck she is too!

Ellie said...

Oh she just toooo cute.

Shammickite said...

I've never heard of this type of duck before. She's very sweet.

George said...

This is a wonderful picture of the duck. Not only is the detail and coloring of the duck beautiful, but the wavelets in the water add a nice touch.

Jack said...

Bufflehead? Bufflehead? Who decides that this poor little duck should be a bufflehead duck? It is like naming your child Elmer.

Lowell said...

She appears to be a very smart duck. And you called her a "bufflehead"! Sheesh!

And why do you assign her the female gender. Is it possible she's a male? Or something?

Stephanie said...

a cute duck indeed!

stardust said...

She’s so sweet and looks wise. I‘m impressed with not only the duck but also the ripples. Your blue color is always special to me.

Halcyon said...

She looks a bit coy. :)

Susan said...

Wow, how do you know one duck from another? I love this photo!

Stewart M said...

Hi there - nice little duck. Struggling with internet at present - arg!

Mts. in Victoria not really that big - but they are higher than the mts in England and Wales! Surprising amount of snow in winter each year.

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Ingrid said...

What a cute little duck ! has more a baby face than a bufflehead ! who gave it such an ugly name, lol !

Cezar and Léia said...

So graceful!
God bless you!

Unknown said...

Nice closeup!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Lina Gustina said...

Looks cute and pretty :)
Thanks for visiting.

SquirrelQueen said...

She is a beautiful girl and apparently too refined to indulge in begging for handouts from humans. Or perhaps she was just enjoying the antics of the others from a distance.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.