Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 25/ Nature Notes

On the northern shore of Lake Ontario

This is some of what Mother Nature had to offer this week.

Largest square: ice on the rocks at Bond Head. Moving clockwise: mallard on the snow-covered shore; dried weeds (evening primrose) still in fairly good condition; zillions of Canada geese flying this way and that way and...; ice on a shallow pond surrounded by green cedars and golden weeping willows and cattails; and a river edged in ice and dried grasses.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more


Jill said...

This is a beautiful collage!

Gill - That British Woman said...

love that selection of photos. Looks as though we are going to have a better day than we did yesterday. Did you venture out yesterday? I hibernated all day, heading to Shelburne this morning to run errands.

Put some more wedding photos on my blog along with a couple of challenges I am taking part in, in February.


Darla said...

Ice on the rocks with that little pop of red... terrific!


Judy said...

Great collage! I love the light house shot.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are still seeing geese flying south from here and we ARE south so go figure on that one. i like the ice on the rocks, and i bet they would be hard to climb on.

Halcyon said...

Nice mix of nature. That poor duck looks cold!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I love all the view in your mosaic! So beautiful and un-disturbed looking..

Kate said...

Mother Nature always puts on a good show!

TexWisGirl said...

Beautiful color. Love those grasses.

Indrani said...

Lovely collage.

Carver said...

I always enjoy your nature collages very much.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely nature collage! Cool capture of the geese in flight!

Barb said...

Nice collage. I always wonder how the wildlife stays alive with all that snow and ice. Those ducks are a lot tougher than me.

Marvin said...

Great collage. I especially enjoyed the Ice on the Rocks photo.

Rose said...

Nice shots...I love the bigger one in the lower left-hand corner. Love the composition of it.

Lowell said...

Mother Nature keeps on cookin' even in the dead of winter. And you keep on snappin' photos - beautiful photos.

I won't mention snow. But I did think of you today as I rolled up to a red light next to a huge Ontario pickyup truck!

Wayne said...

We've had just a few nasty cold days, but unusually warm most of the others :-)

George said...

This is a marvelous collage. You always do a wonderful job with these Nature Notes posts.

Jack said...

Gee, the red on that lighthouse really stands out.

A very good seasonal collage.

??? said...

I get cold feet just by looking at the mallard duck.

Rambling Woods said...

Lake Erie is still mostly open.. Unusual winter so far..I do wonder how the mallards keep their feet warm as I have some here standing on ice....

Viola said...

I just LOVE it, what a wonderful collage!! =)

Celeste said...

What a wonderful collage of pictures, so seasonal. Beautiful!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.