Wednesday, January 25, 2012

J/ Alphabe-Thursday

JANUARY 2011 - Yep, last year

According to Environment Canada, JANUARY tends to be the coldest month of the year in Central Ontario with an average daily high of 26°F and low of 8°F. Well, JANUARY is now into it's last week and soon it will be balmy February with an average daily high of 28°F and low of 10°F. The mercury in my thermometer is JUMPING for JOY. Oh, wait! It's a digital thermometer, isn't it?

Looking back on last JANUARY, the sky looked decidedly bluer than the skies we've been experiencing so far this year. But it was probably colder too! In 2012, we're actually experiencing a warmer than usual JANUARY. Can you see my smile?

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Penelope Notes said...

Those icy blue skies and frost bitten trees capture the chilly weather very well. I think there has been some warming in general throughout the country but you’d never know it when a cold blast randomly hits your area. And yes … your smile comes across cyberspace very nicely. :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

:) me too!! B

Stephanie said...

Nice assortment of trees pics.

Jack said...

Last year everyone up north was moaning about the snow and the cold. We do need some precipitation, but I'd take it as rain, not snow, if I had my choice.

Rose said...

WE are have an extremely warm January, too....I just hope things don't sprout out and then get frozen as we start having more sunlight.

VioletSky said...

I am also enjoying the warmer weather --- but please, please, can we have a few more blue sky days??

Lorna said...

I can't even remember what the weather was like yesterday...

Jill said...

I just love pine trees.

RedPat said...

Like Violet I could uses some sun!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

It's been warmer here also and I am certainly ok with that! We have had quite a bit of snow, but the sun shines a lot...

lovely shots!

Tina´s PicStory said...

great shots! my january looks little bit different :)

21 Wits said...

Even though winter is not my most favorite season, you captured what I do enjoy about winter...very outstanding photos, thanks!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

January this year is a great one for me, not so much snow! I like your photo!

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful wintery photo's

Lowell said...

I am glad to hear that you've had such a good January...every day of balmy weather counts. But I'm still going to mention I see snow!

Oh, it was 83 here today and will be about the same tomorrow and I feel it is my sacred duty to attend services on the golf course!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I have the same smile on my face as you!!


Michelle said...

Love the snowy photos. We have really only had a skiff of the stuff so far.

Anonymous said...

Last January was certainly beautiful. We're having a warmer than usual winter too.

Unknown said...

I am with you. We have warmer January so far, I haven't plow yet and hope not! looking forward to spring.


Esther Joy said...

My sis from Manitoba is coming down south next week. I always love her visit. She always loves to get away from the cold!

Judie said...

We are having some warmer temps here as well. Tomorrow it will be 75F!! Sorry! I know that was cruel, but the facts are the facts.

XoXo said...

this is winter wonderland dream come true... we are on a windy and soon to have sun storm by the weekends.

George said...

I hope you're enjoying your warmer than normal January, but last January was definitely pretty.

Anonymous said...

We have had warm temps and lots of rain. I would love a little snow!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I am wearing the same big smile and wouldn't mind this type of winter every year. It's been wonderful, hasn't it?
Just snow for Christmas effect would be perfect.

Michelle said...

I think living in southern California my whole life that my blood would probably freeze if I lived in your neck of the woods. Just looking at your pictures makes me shiver. :)

Randy said...

We need more, by the sounds of it so do you.

anitamombanita said...

same here, until this week, that is. We finally got a big dump of snow and a drop in temperatures. Yay! I'm excited for the snow.

Ingrid said...

Last year we also had snow in Belgium and it was very cold - 10°C this year it's too warm for the nature we have up to 11°C and some plants start blooming ! Not normal at all !

Paulie said...

Nice collage. Thanks for sharing your snow with me even if it is last years snowfall. . . nothing but rain here every day but maybe we will have a sun break Friday. I miss the snow that I grew up with in SE Idaho.

Anonymous said...

That's a great collection of wintery scenes!

Maggie said...

Stunning shots what a wonderful mosaic they make.
Warm weather seems to be the trend all over this month, we have had daffodils blooming since Christmas!

Darla said...

Warmer than usual? Still looks mighty cold to me.


Lola said...

Great *J* post – we're having a bit of a drought here in S Spain. Maybe February will bring floods to compensate!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend and look forward to *seeing* you again soon.

Susan Anderson said...


Looks gorgeous, though!


Craver Vii said...

This unseasonable warmth is freaking me out. I miss the snow.

Visits With Mary said...

Beautiful pictures..January in my part of Texas has been warmer too..very rare for us to see temps in the 20's...

Pondside said...

Our kids in Kingston make gloating calls to us here in Victoria, where it has been colder, some days, than in Ontario!

Jenny said...

Eight degrees?



Okay. I'm officially a desert rat...I'm pretty sure I would freeze to death in eight degrees!

Thanks for a jovial but shivery link to the letter J this week.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.