Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gulls/ Alphabe-Thursday

Gull stealing a morsel, mallard watching

The first photo I took last year in late January. The next two I took a couple of weeks ago.

 Gulls over Lake Ontario

The day was windy over rough water and these gulls were flying over the waves close to the shore, diving into the water whenever they saw something tasty being carried in by the waves.

Gulls over rough Lake Ontario

They were working hard for their meals and did NOT like to share with each other when they captured something yummy.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Anonymous said...

Just a 'bit' windy I'd say... hope you were bundled up!

Anonymous said...

Seagulls are VERY greedy. The ones here in Llandudno are also extremely agressive and think nothing of attacking people who dare to eat food in open spaces. Great set of shots.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful. the last pic looks like a painting. :)

Anonymous said...

So last year things were frozen over and this year not? Scary.

Rose said...

I would think it would be a bit harder to find food this time of year...

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Great shots! I love the choppy looking water....

Judie said...

I love to watch the gulls when we go to the beach. Did you know they love french fries? I sit on the beach with some leftover fries and they fly down and take them out of my hand! GREAT PHOTOS!!

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful photo's of the gulls. Great G word

Betty said...

They get pretty aggressive don't they!

21 Wits said...

Oh my goodness! But they are troopers and they get down and forceful if they have to! Great photos of them!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic photos! Looks like a dreary day for them out there.

Lowell said...

Gulls are tough and not to be messed with...I think the Mallard decided to do the wise thing!

Pelicans are even worse. And bigger.

It's still cool here, but warmer...up to 46 or 47 this afternoon and only down to about 30 tonight and then tomorrow we head to 70s in the day and 50s at night. Thank goodness! I've been freezing all day. Cannot get warm!

Pat said...

The water looks very icy cold...but great images. We get lots of mallards on our pond in Spring and summer - but the gulls are east of us in Green Bay...:o)

Sandy said...

I live a few miles from the beach and love to go feed the Gulls.. their so much fun and are not afraid of humans at all.. very nice post

Mary said...

Great photos! We had some visiting our lake yesterday~ they look out of place here :)

Anonymous said...

Great captures! I just love the detail in the first shot.

anitamombanita said...

Having lived near the ocean almost all my life, gulls are just part of me. I did find it odd when I arrived in UT that there were almost as many here as in SF. Funny. Love the first shot! Happy New Year!

Francisca said...

Scavengers aren't known for being sharers, are they? But the photos of these gulls you share are wonderful. The top one is a winner. :-)

Halcyon said...

Beautiful winter scenes. I haven't ventured out much lately. Too cold!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hey there, nice to find you here playing with words.
The seagulls bring nice memories of days at the beach to me.

Anonymous said...

These must have been wonderful to watch fly in real life!

Cezar and Léia said...

Amazing action photo in the first, bravo!
God bless you!

Unknown said...

I knew you would make something seen in a landscape out of the G! But they're wonderful captures!

George said...

All three of these are wonderful pictures of the gulls. I really like the choppy waters in the last two photos.

ellen b. said...

Wonderful Gull shots! Happy New Year to you!

H said...

I love the sound and sight of gulls. It makes me think HOLIDAY!!

Jenny said...

Love the color of that top photo...that bright green against the waves and the white feathers!

To be honest I'm a little afraid of gulls.

I always think they are going to attack my head. But I rarely go anywhere they are so perhaps a long, long vacation oceanside would rob me of that fear!

Thanks for a grand link to the letter "G" this week.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.