During the 1920s and 30s, red pines were planted extensively on abandoned farms -- blowsand areas -- in order to stabilize the soil, protect watersheds, and provide wildlife habitat. The York Regional Forest in one such area. The Region manages the trees, periodically harvested for poles, timbers and lumber.
Sadly, red pine stands are beginning to fade in the York Regional Forest. About 15 years ago, little beasties called the European pine shoot beetle (Tomicus piniperda) immigrated to Ontario, hitchhiking on wooden crates, pallets or logs used to brace loads. The beetle attacks both healthy and stressed trees, often killing them with two years.
Many trees were harvested last winter. These are ready to be loaded onto trucks and hauled away. But there are many trees already cut in the woods lying on the forest floor. I hope they take them out soon as apparently the beetles will soon hatch and multiply, particularly happy to find an abundance of dead trees and bark in which to lay their eggs.
Nice image! I tried something similar using infrared film trying to get the swirls of the tree rings. It was actually pretty cool.
This is a very nice image!
I like the picture. There is a lot of beauty in wood. We have some kind of beetles in our pines also.
I guess that the downside to globalization. Nice photo.
We often run in the York forest. The sand it a lot more forgiving on the body:)
Nice picture. A few years ago, one of the Forest Rangers came to give a talk about the origins of York Regional Forest to the local Historical Society.
I've spent many hours walking my dog through the forest, I usually go to the tract on the right of Hwy 48, but occasionally to the one on the left of 48..... the one with the awesome tobogganing hill!
How sad that a tiny beetle can do so much harm. It's happening everywhere. We need our trees for many reasons. MB
I love the smell of pine trees and when they have been freshly cut and the sap in oozing out the smell fills the air.
That beatle sounds a pest.. and it's first name is Tom... oh! dear..
Well, Ken, someday we may meet in the forest! LOL
I wish I'd been to that lecture on how the forest was started. I bet it was interesting.
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