The day I met Leroy he was being bullied by a jealous horse who wanted me to take his photo rather than the donkey's. Hmmm. But, as it turns out, Leroy is the real KING of the paddock and no one should push him too far. Leroy's hooves are powerful!
Look at all the burrs on Leroy's face!

Sometimes asses can be very difficult...usually, though, it's the horses that push them around...I think.
With all those burrs, may this chap is a burro?
Cute shot, EG.
Have a great weekend!
I've heard the expression, mule kick. He does need to be respected.
Oh Leroy, you've had your face where it shouldn't be. LOL MB
Hi Leroy, you have a very regal name so act regally, will you?!
Leroy certainly has a lot of character.
Good-looking jack, Leroy is.
I'd love to talk to him, from across the fence.
I just love Donkeys. I had 3 at one time. They are a very special pet.
What a character! Nice closeup!
He's hoovy and he's groovy!
purrs and love
such a handsome characterful face he has!
I love donkeys. The farm behind us has several and you can hear them 'talking' some nights.
Leroy obviously knows he's being photographed and is posing beautifully! What a handsome chap - we love the jaunty slant of his ears, he he he! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Leroy might like to meet Mr. Burro that I posted today. Very cute shot!
I do not see many Donkeys as I used to see... which is a shame as like Leroy they normally have loads of character
Hahaha! Burr-o, eh?
Can't help it but Leroy looks pretty stubborn and sassy. *eee-yawww* Cute picture!
Sweet Leroy. I Like the way he uses his ears ad a directional finder.What do you suppose he is listening to in two directions
It's nice to meet Leroy ... very handsome mule.
Hugs and blessings,
Leroy has BEaUtiful eyes!!
Leroy is definitely a handsome dude.
I have never had any experience with donkeys...a friend of my brother had a mule however and its name was D*@$ that tells you something about its attitude. It was always a pain to catch.
so that is where mules get their kick!
that is one great portrait!
Leroy is a handsome fellow even with his burrs!
Carletta’s Captures.
what a cute donkey, love its color.
my entry:
Leroy, I would love to give you a big old kiss.
I really like this shot: the animal is beautiful so the whole scene!
I have enjoyed all the beautiful photos you have taken lately but Leroy, he's pretty special. What a face to fall in love with and he's feisty too.
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