Creature from Outer Space
OK, I lied. It's not a space alien. But doesn't it sort of look like one...maybe?
Actually, what you see in front of that brilliant sunset is part of an irrigation system that's over vegetable fields in the Holland Marsh - huge fields that provide vegetables such as carrots, lettuce and cabbages to much of Southern Ontario.

I still think it's a space alien.
Such cool alien! :)
Yes it does look like visitors from outer space. when I see the big irrigations rigs in Eastern Washington they remind me of some giant insect but at this angle----RUN FOR COVER!! MB
It does look a visitor from outer space !!!!
Take me to your leader!
The little alien machine makes a great silhouette in that beautiful sunset!
Good use of an alien to frame a dramatic sunset!.....:)
Yes, it definitely looks like an alien. Gorgeous rich colours in that sky!
Lovely sunset picture. I think that is probably the alien that makes the cornfield circles!
Nicely captured!
Happy Sky Watch Friday!
Don't pay any attention to B Squared. I mean, really, a "space alien"? Sheesh. Everyone knows it's a Florida cracker.
I love the photo, though. We have those things, too, just down the road from Stone Creek. Don't know what's growing, though.
And you're right about some Americans and god.
We've got a whole bunch of nutcases who are called Dominionists and are working hard to take over the government and institute Old Testament law - such as executing gays. I'm absolutely serious. These consist of many different fundamentalist Christian groups, but the core are the Pentecostals...and they're moving to do this, not only in the U.S., but in other countries also.
Sarah Palin, by the way, is a dominionist.
They're crazy. Sharon Angle, one of that crowd, running for the U.S. Senate in Nevada has recently said in a radio interview that entitlement programs (Social Security and Medicare, etc) are idolatrous because they violate the first commandment by making the government God.
Our US Congress is already full of these wackos as are many of our state legislatures.
It's very scary!
After the first thought of oh, how beautiful...I thought alien. But this is so very beautiful...
You have some nice shots of something.
Hey,Hubby and I visited Canada recently and I'm posting pics all this coming week on my blog. Today I did Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City.
You Canadiens really know how to do pomp and circumstance when changing the guard. We watched this in Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City. so beautiful.
Beautiful sky photo, stunning colors
Have a nice weekend, Bram
seen on Sky Watch Friday
Great picture. It reminds us that sun plus water equal food! Our farmers here in Arizona use those weird watering devices also.
That is a beautiful shy. We call those "aliens" pivots. There is a lot of technology in the one's that travel in a circle, because the gearing on the inner and outer wheels have to be well synchronised, otherwise they get "confused". Maybe they are aliens after all.
A very nice conversation photo! You cause a stir up of this space invader!
P.S. Twylah is good as new now. But I am just to exhausted and will not be blogging for a while.
Thanks for your concern.
The contraption does make an intriguing silhouette against that beautiful sky.
I think it is a wonderful mean to measure time and life. Great picture indeed. Please have a good Friday.
daily athens
Really smart shot!
This one is beautiful! Like it!
Ah, this is something new to me. Never seen like this before EG.
We have some of those in central KY as well. They do look pretty strange.
A great way to frame a spectacular sunset.
I like the "take me to your leader" interpretation, but regardless, it makes a great photo.
At first I thought it's a fallen Ferris Wheel hee hee, nice golden sunset.
lol, somebodies been watching too many movies....and yes it could very well be a scene in the movies (i've yet to see what an alien REALLY does look like :))
Gorgeous Sunset! Very impressive alien gardener!
A beautiful view, all the way around.
Alien, antenna, irrigation it's all the same in making this a wonderful photo.
And against a fiery sky!
Oooh! Cool Capture!
Top shot. Great colours.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
On the other hand it looks a little like the biggest grasshopper that ever lived. The sky (sigh) is breathtaking.
wow so different machine! And I love the orange sky, well done!
Looks like an enormous insect! Beautiful pic, lovely colors :)
Fabulous! I thought it was a glider minus its canvas until I read on. What a great capture!
It looks like a giant insect to me.
Got yourself a popular one here, EG. For good reason. Perfect - and fun - shot.
(Reading Jacob, with whom I agree, I'm just happy I'm not an American. I'd be getting scared too. Many of my American friends have threatened to move to Canada...)
that sunset was amazing....
i thought that the metal looked like a huge robotic spider :)
have a great weekend!
It looks like a mechanical mosquito in front of that gorgeous sunset!
Beautiful shot with great composition.
Yes, it does look like a space alien or a giant, mutant mosquito!
Whatever it is ... it's a gorgeous sunset.
Enjoy your weekend!
wow, thats a cool pic. :)
Cool shot! I love the colours.
That does look like an alien and a gorgeous sky too.
Gorgeous sky! it does look like an alien spider to me! lol
This is fantastic! Very powerful image.
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