Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jackson's Landing/ SOOC

Arbor in winter garden, Jackson's Landing, Ontario

This photo was taken yesterday under a beautiful blue sky. I had to stand on tiptoes to see over the fence.

  To see more photos Straight Out Of the Camera (SOOC) visit Jan at


Anonymous said...

I really like this shot.

I think my favorite is the horse taking a nap.

That is very nice.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

What a wonderful sleeping winter garden.

Inger-M said...

Gorgeous winter scene!

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

We are blessed by the work of your toes. It's a nice sunny shot.

Jan said...

This shot is well worth your effort. I wonder if the arbor is covered with vines in Spring and Summer.

George said...

This is a wonderful winter scene. I love that blue sky.

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

love the muted colors in this! great picture!

Kathy said...

I'm wondering what kind of place is Jackson's Landing. I envision summertime, the hill overlooking one of your beautiful lakes, the arbor entwined with flowers, and a bride and groom standing underneath. No? Just an overactive imagination I guess!

Jan n Jer said...

Bet this is a beautiful place in the spring n summer. Great shot!

Ms. Becky said...

ha! I love that you stood on your tiptoes to get this shot. it was so worth it. it glows beauty. we share snow white cold worlds now, but it's going to be so much fun waiting for Spring to get closer and closer. and one of the best parts is that we all get to do it together and share what it looks like. it makes me happy. thanks for visiting my blog. that makes me happy too. have a beautiful weekend E G Wow!

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Great shot!

Jack said...

This is an elegant, substantial trellis. Nice photo.

Small City Scenes said...

What a beautiful shot and garden. the snow makes everything look so pristine. Keep standing on those tip-toes. MB

Unknown said...

Gorgeous winter shot of the garden! Have a great day!

Ingrid said...

Wow, that looks very beautiful !

indicaspecies said...

On tip toes, you have framed this shot so well!

Suburban Girl said...

I bet it is lovely in springtime.

Hootin Anni said...

That is beautiful. I can almost hear a faint whistling of the gentle breeze drifting over the landscape. Just beautiful.

And the white horse [your camera critter] is marked so unusually, it makes him all the more handsome!!

Leora said...

I'm guessing this is quite lovely in the early summer. All the snow is making the ground moist, preparing for spring growth!

Momgen said...

Beautiful just beautiful...Happy SOOC Sunday.

Mine is here

Nicolette said...

Beautiful winter garden photo.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful winter scene. I just love that arbor.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.