Friday, February 4, 2011

Port of Rochester/ Weekend Reflections

Port of Rochester, New York (U.S.A.)

The ice and water in the harbour reflected the brick buildings at the Port of Rochester last Saturday when I was visiting relatives for a few days in Upstate New York.  To me the reflection almost looks like a shiny plaid fabric. What do you think?

To enjoy reflections from around the world, click HERE.


eileeninmd said...

Beautiful and colorful reflection! Great capture!

Tanya Breese said...

oh that's funny, i was thinking plaid before i read your post! so pretty!

Kathy said...

It does look plaid! I'm glad you got the gull in the shot too.

Darla said...

Yep, plaid but I'm thinking madras, remember that from back in the 70's?


Halcyon said...

It's very pretty. I've never been to Rochester, but have a feeling I might get up there sometime in the near future!

Carletta said...

I agree and See You There's comment took me back to my own plaid wearing days!
Love the shot! The seagull swooped in at just the right time.

Round The Bend

Anonymous said...

What a photo, dear blogfriend, WAAWW ;-)

JunieRose2005 said...

It's a FANTASTIC photo! Yes, it does look plaid.


'Tsuki said...

The colors are so cold on your shot... I can almost feel the frost... Brrrr... I'm going to heat some soup, now.

Martha Z said...

Plaid, yes, you're right and the gull placed itself perfectly for the composition.

Malyss said...

Fabulous reflection! and the gull adds the final touch!

Cezar and Léia said...

I think it's perfect, you are an artist very talented!
And you got the seagull in this picture, right moment, brilliant click!

James said...

The color and the repeating windows make nice reflections. I like the bird too. :)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The repeating patterns in this shot, including the "plaid" effect, make for an eye-pleasing photo. I would have to add that it looks absolutely frigid!


Francisca said...

Plaid or madras... terrific catch, EG!

Sylvia K said...

Funny! there were several of us thinking "plaid"! What a terrific shot for the day! Marvelous reflections as always! Enjoy your weekend!! Stay warm!


George said...

I think this is a wonderful photo. And plaid works for me.

cieldequimper said...

Oh so lovely. The red roof reminds me of Tadoussac in QC!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, yes, polished cotton plaid, absolutely. I remember loving polished cotton when I was in junior high and learning to sew. It was much more expensive than regular cotton, but I did get one skirt, and now I can't remember what color or pattern it was, but it may have been plaid. Mom and I loved tartans.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Linnea said...

It's a beautiful scene and shot...especially given the freezing temps outside where you are!

joo said...

Have a nice weekend:)

Serendipity said...

Gorgeous. I love the red.

Robin said...

It really does look like plaid! Fun capture.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Paulie said...

It is a beautiful PLAID reflection! Great catch!

Dianne said...

I love the shine!
the building is amazing
and the bird is a delightful extra in the scene

Viola said...

I think it's a gorgeous photo, wit the reflections and all..! The thin ice with the water and the light makes it so special, and of course with a clever photographer like you! :)

Have a nice weekend! :)

Joe Todd said...

Love the reflections and colors..Stay warm

Kim, USA said...

This is so pretty. I thought it's a ferry boat. Love it!
Weekend Reflection

Jan n Jer said...

Yep, I see plaid also. That is a great the seagull too!

Anonymous said...

That looks cold. Two weeks back from hols, son is now back at school will have a bit more time for photos hopefully reflection ones. Charmaine

Anonymous said...

I see the plaid resemblance. Wonderful colors in that reflection!

Pat Tillett said...

What you said is amazing, because when I first glanced at the photo, I thought the reflection looked like a plaid tablecloth!

Randy said...

Chilly but great reflection!

Lowell said...

I'll go with what you think. Another very creative shot. And the bird finishes the picture perfectly!

Jack said...

The votes are in, and "plaid" wins by a landslide! Nice reflection photo.

stardust said...

I agree, it does look “plaid.” The red brick color is adding a spice to pale wintry landscape. Beautiful reflections! Thank you.

Serline said...

Nice, but I wonder how it looks this weekend with the heavy storm over the past few day :-(

Small City Scenes said...

Hey, it does at that. good eye.
You are so clever. Looks cold too.
Perfect with the gull in the pic. MB

indicaspecies said...

It does look like a shiny plaid fabric to me too.

Lindy said...

Gorgeous image, and the reflection does look like plaid fabric! Is that the weather vane we saw in a different post?

snowwhite said...

Great shot!
Yes, I agree with you!
Iced sea makes everything more fantastic!I love a bird too.
Have a nice weekend!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.