Wednesday, November 9, 2011

B/ Alphabe-Thursday

 BELL tower atop an old fire station, Markdale, Ontario

This week's assignment: B as in BELL tower

So many bells...but I never hear any of them ring. Do people not like the sound of bells anymore?

 BELL tower seen from the harbour, Meaford, Ontario

BELL tower on addition at back of century home north of Uxbridge, Ontario

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Judy said...

Bell towers are so pretty! This one is no exception. When I was a kid, back in the mid west, there were bells that would ring on Sunday. I hadn't thought about it but you are right, no bells ringing now.

Jack said...

EG, I gasped when I saw that wonderful scene in your middle photo. Outstanding!

Lowell said...

I don't know if they ring or not. If they do, I'd say you have a lot of "ding-a-lings" in your neck of the woods.

An interesting post! Why all these bells? Did they ever ring.

Actually, I've been places where churches rang their bells 3-4 times a was really irritating.

"Hells bells," I'd say, in frustration.

I've got a really good joke about bells, but I think I've run on long enough now. Bye!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have one church here that rings the bell on Sunday morning. the only one i have heard for years. i love the sound. as a child in KY my job was to run over to the church a half block away and ring the bell 1/2 hour before each service, 3 times a week, i always gave it a lot of good yanks. we lived in a valley with mountains on 4 sides and the sound was amazing. love all the towers.

Jenn Jilks said...

I love a thematic post like this! I did a bell post, too. Cheers from Cottage Country!

Tina´s PicStory said...

♥ this bells! :)

Jill said...

I just love bell towers and you captured it so well. I really like the first picture. I could almost hear it ringing. :)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Wow..beautiful bell tower. I like the view from across the water.

kayerj said...

I like your editing in that second photo--reminds me of folk art.

RedPat said...

There is a nieghbourhood church that rings them on Sundays and Christmas and that's it!

George said...

Quite frankly I like the sound of bells (and your pictures), but some communities are trying to silence them. What a shame.

NatureFootstep said...

that´s an interesting tower. :)

Linda said...

Bells here on a Sunday. And we're all meant to ring bells at the start of the London Olympics. Not quite sure how that's going to work.

Diane said...

I love the sound of bells. We have several churches around here who still ring their bells.

Looks like a beautiful town!

Malyss said...

I'm living near a church, and I like to ear bells ringing every hour, and when there's a celebration. It gives rythm to my days. This building is very pretty, I like this style very much.

Melissa said...

Nice. The only place I've seen that kind of window brick trimming was in northern Michigan. Love the color saturation on the middle photo. It looks like a painting!

from my wicked ways to turning a phrase said...

Maybe it's a canadian thing, cuz I hear bells all the time in St. Paul then again it might be my imagination lol

Michelle said...

Love the folk art feel on the second photo.

My name is Riet said...

Such lovely photo's. Great B word

Birdman said...

Love to hear the ring... chime... toll, but please no recorded music.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I can remember the bell ringing on Sunday when I was a kid in PA...


Judie said...

I agree with Jack! When I first saw that middle photo, I thought it was a fine art illustration! Great photos!!

Viola said...

The first bell tower is so beautiful, and still more beautiful that buildning- what a great picture (#2) with awesome colors! and the sky, the clouds! =)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

They are all pretty bell towers! is the first one made of copper? Yes, I think bells are sadly out of fashion these days :(

Rose said...

You are right...we never hear bells here, either. and they make such a pleasant sound!

Rose said...

Meant to say I love that top one--well, I like them all, but like it best;)

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...


Randy said...

Very nice.

Martha Z said...

I like the bell tower on the old fire station. It looks like it has a copper dome but there is no verdigris so maybe it is faux copper or just new.

Lorna said...

I wish I had your eye---I might just capture a view, instead of a face, once in a while.

Merike said...

Old fire station bell is so beautiful :)

cieldequimper said...

Very pretty structures and I love the general view of bricks and green with a hint of brown to complement the buildings...

Anonymous said...

I hope they get a chance to ring from time to time.

Anonymous said...

I hope they get a chance to ring from time to time.

Hootin Anni said...

Simply stunning photography. And if I may add, I really like your wintry collage of 'flowers/color' in your post below this one too.

Thanks for stopping by yesterday. I appreciate your visit and taking time to leave me a comment. It's always a pleasure to have your company.

Kathy said...

Your second photo would be a wonderful subject for a jigsaw puzzle. Well, maybe some other things too but I can just see it on box!

VioletSky said...

I love the bells and wish we heard them more often. I never understood how people could find the sound annoying - unless they went on for hours. It used to be so pleasant on a Sunday morning to hear them.

Tracy said...

bells are so relAXING love them

Pat said...

We live out in the country about 15 miles from the county courthouse. When I run errands, it is always so pleasant to hear the old clock high atop the courthouse ring on the hour and half hour...I hope they never replace that lovely old building.

Thank you for sharing your nearby bells!

21 Wits said...

Yes, yes and YES! Love their sound and especially the towns that still ring them every hour!!!!

Leif Hagen said...

I love the Bell Tower idea! I wonder what my wife would say if I told her that we should add one onto our home....

Francisca said...

A Bodacious trio of Bell towers! And you're right, one seldom hears them.

Susan Anderson said...

Bell towers capture the imagination, don't they?


Steph said...

Oh, I love the photo of the bell tower and the harbor. There is such a past days romance about bell towers. Wonderful post.

Pondside said...

When we lived in Europe I looked forward to the regular ringing of the bells that marked the hours. Over here, people complain about the bells, so they are pretty much all silent.

anitamombanita said...

once again I enjoyed your photos.

I missed the posting deadline for Alphabe-Thursday this week...feel free to stop by, tho... :)

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

We have a bell tower straight down our street. We hear it ring every day at noon. It's wonderful.

Jenny said...

I never thought about this before but I never hear bells ringing either.

I used to hear them when we moved here but nothing since.

Do people consider that beautiful sound noise polution?

How sad!

Thanks for a thoughtful and lovely post for the letter "B".


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.