Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baltimore Oriole/World Bird

 Papa Baltimore oriole forages for goodies

This fence is a comfy spot for papa to rest. Orioles like insects as well as fruit and nectar, and here papa seems intent on finding some yummy protein.

 Oriole nest hidden in the leafy branches of a quaking aspen

Is the nest empty? Hmmm. It's very quiet.

 Papa returns home

Oh, here comes Papa! He arrives quietly...but CamaraGirl spots his orange feathers. It's hard to hide when you're dressed in such bright colours.

 Papa jumps into the nest

He jumps in part way. CamaraGirl wonders what he's hanging on to as his tail bobs up and down. He must be feeding Mama as she sits on her eggs.

Papa rests, having done his job well

Good work, Papa!

I am linking to World Bird Wednesday.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Their nest seems unusual. I love his blazing orange chest.

Muffy's Marks said...

They are such colorful birds, we have the in the area, but I can't get them to come to my feeder, and I've tried everything!!!

Kathy said...

A great set of photos. Bird dads are such good providers.

Kate said...

Kathy has reacted as I have...great job, Papa! A wonderful sequence of photos of this lovely bird and his family!

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that its nest stays in place.

Jill said...

They are a beautiful bird. You really caught some lovely photos of papa!

Lisa Gordon said...

They are such wonderful birds, and I have never seen their nests before now. What an interesting little creation! This is a wonderful series of photographs!

Sending you wishes for a beautiful day ahead!

LindyLouMac said...

What a great set of captures, we have a golden oriole in our garden, identified just by the song as we have never seen them! So you can imagine how envious I am of these. :)

CameraCruise said...

Great series of beautiful photos.
A beautiful bird, we don't have them here.
What an amazing place they have built their nest.

Halcyon said...

Very sweet!!! :)

The Farmers Daughter said...

Your photography is really fantastic!

tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

I`ve only seen one a couple of times.The nest is something else!You have to wonder how it hangs there,but I`m sure they know how to anchor it well,great pictures!phyllis

trump said...

Great pictures and I find watching birds is relaxing. And thank you for your blog visit to my own blog. Richard

Darla said...

You captured a wonderful series!


carol l mckenna said...

Wow ~ What fantastic photos and such a gift to see and take the photos ~ thanks, ^_^ ( A Creative Harbor)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Wonderful shots! I have a pair that come to my feeder but I can't seem to capture them. I've never seen their nest. You wonder how it can hang there.

ArtandArchitecture-SF.com said...

Wow - amazing captures!

TexWisGirl said...

so pretty! i like their hanging basket nests, too.

Paul in Powell River said...

Great series, very nice to see!

KristiBowmanDesign said...

Wonderful, no Orioles around here, so pretty and great series of shots!

Carletta said...

A lovely little photo essay!
You're right - he can't hide in that brightly feathered suit.

Lois Evensen said...

What a good daddy!

RedPat said...

Fabulous - I love this little series!

NatureStop said...

That's such a lovely colourful bird and you caught him so well:)Have a great day!


Andrea @ From The Sol said...

WE get orioles every spring, but they never stay to nest. This year a friend has a nest in her yard ... she lives 40 miles away so I haven't been able to follow it. How nice for you that you get to see all of the ins and outs of thier activity. Can't wait for the babies :). Thanks, wonderful job, as usual.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Anonymous said...

Besides being a helpful Papa, he is a handsome and colorful bird.
Beautiful captures, Camera girl.

Unknown said...

Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

What a great series, showing the nest. Sadly, my Oriole of last week has not come back. :(

theconstantwalker said...

What a beautiful little bird.. thanks for the extra information.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Awesome photos. B

Cathy Kennedy said...

An amazing job capturing the bird! Thanks for the visit today. =D

mick said...

Beautiful bird and a great series of photos.

HansHB said...

So nice to see this! Happy WBW to you!

Adam Jones said...

I do like the Orioles. Nice shots.

Anonymous said...

Real 'twitterers'!

Lowell said...

Good work, E.G.

I haven't seen an oriole in the wild in years so this post was a treat. I just wonder how it got all the way up there from Baltimore?

You're doing some very fine bird pics these days!

cieldequimper said...

That's a lovely story, could be a children's book!

Kathie Brown said...

LOL! Very Cute!

Tammie Lee said...

such a wonderful series of photographs! that nest is art to me!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful series and sighting. I would have to watch the oriole at its nest. Great shots.

Brian King said...

Beautiful shots and I love the texture!

Michelle said...

I love seeing that nest!

Larry said...

Beautiful shots of the nesting Baltimore Orioles CameraGirl. I hope to see some nesting Bullock's Orioles tonight at our annual Audubon picnic!

Janie said...

Great photos of these beautiful birds. The nest looks cozy, but maybe not all that durable. I wonder how it would hold up in a windstorm...

Susan said...

Great, awesome photos. I can't believe you got the nest too. Great!


That nest is amazing! Love the entire set and your (rather suspenseful) narrative! :)

Randy said...

Wonderful captures. Love the nest.

Vores have said...

Beautiful picture series you run. Wishing you a great Wednesday :) Hanne Bente

Phil Slade said...

A fantastic nest - good find.

NatureFootstep said...

how nice! I did not know they build that kind of nests. The nest seem to be too small for dad. :) Great shots.

kayerj said...

I went to Baltimore once and saw these birds everywhere. We also saw a base-ball game and bought some oriole shirts and a cap.

Naturegirl said...

How interesting is that pouch of a nest! I have the Baltimore Orioles visitng my hummingbird feeders everyt day..I also put out sliced oranges for them!I wonder if they are caring for a nest somewhere!
Great pics!

Rose said...

Oh, wow, EG, these are absolutely wonderful!

Stephanie said...

Lovely shots!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Baltimore Oriole are so lovely and you got some great images!

Francisca said...

Nice nice.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.