Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Still here in Ontario - Great Blue Heron

A is for AMAZING

I am amazed that this great blue heron was still here last weekend.  I guess the fishing must still be good, as this GBH hasn't left yet for a warmer clime!

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


The Cranky said...

It always brings me such joy to see a great blue heron. When I was young they thought that the gbh's were forever gone from this part of the country but in the last two decades we've experienced a tremendous comeback.

Thank goodness for that!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh wonderful shot he better get going if he likes the warmth I hear COLD is creeping into Ontario very soon. Love the shot. B

Judy said...

What an awesome capture!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is beautiful, tell him to get himself on down here to the beaches, i am waiting.

Kathy said...

I hope he comes here for his winter vacation. We have quite a few already but we need one in residence on our pond!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That bird struck an elegant pose for you.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That bird struck an elegant pose for you.

Judy said...

If you have that much open water, you must be warmer than we are here! Great photo, though!!

Susan said...

Heron's are such graceful creatures! Beautiful photo!

TexWisGirl said...


Anonymous said...

I am a Ontario girl but more to the up north country girl since hubby and I have retired. Not the city Ontario girl.
Away from the city traffic to peaceful country.

My family calls me the camera girl also.

I do admit they are soooo right.

Nice pictures.All of them you have taken.

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful picture, perfect reflection.

RedPat said...

If I could fly I'd be gone!

Susan Anderson said...

Gorgeous colors!


Lillian said...

We have them nesting in the river in the woods here that runs around our village . They are amazing creatures . Wonderful photo ! Have a good day !

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Maybe he'll fly down to Florida when it gets cold up there (I'll look for him when we get there ;>).....beautiful reflection of this stately bird!


Ooh, wonderful capture! I love clarity and beauty of your images (I still see many GBH's here - it's been mild - but all I get off my point-and-shoot is a nice blue blur:)

Gill - That British Woman said...

I think it is probably confused with the glorious weather we are having?

Great photo,


Malyss said...

A good thing for you , you could get a fantastic picture!

cieldequimper said...

How nice of him to pose like that...

Lowell said...

A lovely heron and reflection. He'll be down here shortly. I've seen lots of his cousins recently. Of course, some of our herons are sooooo smart, they stay here all year!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great picture.

Halcyon said...

This is amazing! WHat a perfect reflection of one of my favourite birds. :)

Randy said...

Wonderful reflection.

Stephanie said...

I adore Blue Herons. In my blog post today, I have a shot of a heron in the distance.

the i-guy said...

Cool! Was this taken at Cranberry Marsh?

Paul in Powell River said...

I like seeing them, though it's a little less amazing here, as they grace us with their presence 365 days of the year.

Unknown said...

Wonderful! Great reflection shot.

Carver said...

Beautiful shot of the great blue heron. We have them year round and I always wonder what the ones that live at the lake do when the lake freezes. It doesn't freeze every winter but there are years when it's been frozen solid for part of the winter. I guess they figure out something.

Rose said...

That is a wonderful reflection!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.