Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Zebra in an Ontario field - last summer

It's not often that we see zebras when we're on a road trip here so SCREECH! Yep my husband backed up so I could take this photo. The zebra is one of a few here, part of a small zoo near Tiny Marsh, Ontario.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Giga said...

Bardzo lubię oglądać te śliczne "konie w paski" . Pozdrawiam.
I really enjoy watching these beautiful "horses with stripes." Yours.

The Cranky said...

I suspect I would have been hitting the brakes as well!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love Zebras thank you. B

Darla said...

What beautiful markings.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice, it seems like it has a large space to wander.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great shot, i would have screeched to. the tires and me. i like the way you showed the flowers and green at the bottom, makes him stand out more.

Kathy said...

Definitely a slam-on-the-brakes moment! I've had that experience with a zebra once this year.

Judy said...

I would have hit the breaks too. I can't say I've ever seen one.

TexWisGirl said...

lots of stripes here in zebra and fencing. :)

Unknown said...

Quite surprising over there indeed! :-)

Gillian Olson said...

A surprising site, I would have braked and backed up too. Thanks for the ZZZZZ's.

Lowell said...

I'm glad that you have a zebra, too. You may remember we found a bunch on a local farm some time ago but now they've disappeared.

Are you having problems getting the updated City Daily Photo thingy to load? It's not worked well for a long time for me.

Indrani said...

Cool, you could frame it.


Haha, it was a screech-worthy stop and terrific photo! I like the idea of a sudden zebra in Canada:)

RedPat said...

Wow - not your usual Ontario wildlife shot!

Anonymous said...

I love all the patterns layered on top of each other.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Great Z post! One of my neighbors has a zebra and I just shake my head for about ten minutes every time I see it!!

It's really cute though!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

What a beautiful zebra! Great Z post..

George said...

We once saw a camel in a field on a farm near my parents' house. I imagine I hit the brakes as quickly as your husband did when you spotted the zebra.

Esther Joy said...

I love those kind of surprises! I am blessed - My husband is a pretty good sport about stopping for shots also.

Midwestern City Girl said...

Good shot! I would have stopped too.

Nancy said...

Wow! Maybe you need a bumper sticker that says "I break for Zebras!" Lol.

PS -- I would never delete my blog. Too many great memories recorded there. :)

eileeninmd said...

Wow, I would have stopped too! I've only seen zebras at the zoo.

Jenn Jilks said...

A zebra????? I'd have been surprised and schrreched to a halt, too!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Anonymous said...

What a great discovery to simply stumble upon!

Randy said...

I would not have expected to see this. You never know.

Jim said...

Hi Ms. E.G.T.Guide -- I looked for a zebra and couldn't find one. Not even a toy. So I used another idea for my "Z's" today.

You just reminded me of a word where the Brits actually do use the letter "Z". But they mispronounce Zebra, saying instead, Zeabra (rhymes with lead paint).

VBR said...

Every little zebra's markings are unique to him. Juat like human fingerprints!

Lovely little guy here!

Naperville Now said...

well, that was handy, having a zebra pic to post! great image.

carol l mckenna said...

Great shot and perfect for 'Z' ~ ( A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Perfect for Z and perfect timing! :)

Susan Anderson said...

That would definitely be a surprising sight!


Lola said...

Perfect Z post!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Now that's the coolest! I mean, you're driving along and spot of all things a zebra. =D I just love this!

Viola said...

Oh! a ZEBRA!! I guess that's not often.. ;) but in a zoo then.. :)

Ingrid said...

What a nice picture and good idea for Z ! Not an easy letter !

storybeader said...

S/he is so cute! And that's a tall fence! Zebras must be good jumpers... {:-Deb

Snowcatcher said...

I'd have been screeching brakes for that, too! Even if it was a zoo!

Unknown said...

Aaah! You did not had me read a beautiful post but, you virtually took me to a very beautiful place to wander.

All Z-zebra best,

Jenny said...


Zis is a mighty zippy zebra!

Thanks for the smile!

And thanks for linking.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.