Saturday, November 17, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

 a. Vision

Do you feel like your vision has gone a little wonky here? This is a reflection in two pains of glass.

 b. Strong

Not many engines stronger than a train engine. And doesn't this one - taken with a fisheye lens - look like a bully?

 c. Buttons

If you think I have a clue as to what all thee buttons mean, you'd be WRONG.

 d. Map

It won't be long now before ice forms on the bay.

e. Favourite fruit

I am linking to Ashley Sisk's Scavenger Hunt HERE


eileeninmd said...

Great selection of photos for your hunt. The reflections are a little wonky. Cool engine shot and the apples are my favorite fruit and photo. Have a great weekend!

Kate said...

Wonderful collection for the scavenger hunt. I especially like the bright, shiny apples.

Kathy said...

I think you may get this week's prize for the most unusual photos for the scavenger hunt. Oh, dear, now I've got to go Google "outfall diffuser."

Roan said...

I Love that last shot. The first looks like what I might be seeing New Years Eve. ;)

Linda said...

great series of photos

Lowell said...

Each of these is super in its own way. But, after looking at the first one, I was so disoriented, I had lie down and take a nap. Thank you.

Judy said...

I miss doing scavenger photo hunts, I need to get back into doing them. Great choices here.

rainfield61 said...

The cool engine looks like a little old man in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Love the engine shot, you're right too. It does look like a big bully!

TexWisGirl said...

i like your bully train, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonky. I haven't seen that word used in a long time. I'll have to exercise that one. Neat fisheye look.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great, unique finds for Scavenger Hunt!

Paul in Powell River said...

I don't own a fish-eye, looks like they might be fun. I like this result.

Judy said...

That fisheye lens does make it look like a pug-nosed bully!!
I love the apples!!

The Cranky said...

These are all wonderful shots; the first one is very clever! The last one, however, has me hungry for an apple to munch!

RedPat said...

This looks like so much fun but very time-consuming!

Stephanie said...

Nice selection of shots!

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

you found some very unique finds for this hunt. I love your fruit pic!!!

Randy said...

I would not have been surprised if it were my eyes.

Indrani said...

The first capture is interesting with reflections included.

Tamar SB said...

These are great! love the fish-eye of the train!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great shots, the railroad engine does indeed look like a bully.

Nukke said...

I love your 1. and last pics ! So much sunshine and fresh colors !

Rohrerbot said...

That fruit looks yummy:) Some remotes just blow my mind....that is too many buttons:)

Barb said...

I like to see what you found this week. That train might be a bully! The apple looks good enough to eat.

EMily said...

Great set! I love your fruit shot and your train shot!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Very pretty picture of apples. I like the first picture also.

Ida said...

Yep my Vision did seem a bit wonky looking at that photo of those reflections.
Loved your Strong shot and the Favorite fruit shot of the apples.

André Tavares said...

Belíssimas imagens!
Lindos registros!


I love the double reflections, even if it made my eyes seem wonkier than they already are! These are all beautiful (that remote looks just like mine - I don't understand mine very well:)

Viola said...

Oh- those apples are just gorgeous, what a fantastic photo!! =)

the train engine, really a bully!! haha, fun! =)I want to play with fisheyes more, from now!! I've forgot.. and it's really funny!! =D

the first one here, a little spooky and I like it much! :)

Susan Anderson said...

Thanks for allowing me to experience seeing double without the injury to go along with it...


Seizing My Day said...

ah... love strong! clever! and vision is a cool shot! blessings~

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.