Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Rusty Remains #1

This week's Alphabe-Thursday challenge: R

It seems there are many places along the Lake Ontario shoreline where there's plenty of evidence that humans have been there.

 Rusty remains #2

And some of the artifacts have been there a while...

Details of remains #2

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE
I am also linking to Rurality Blog Hop HERE.


Andy said...

Nice capture Camera Girl. This sight is too common.

Buttons Thoughts said...

I LOVE these it is a sad state of affairs for our need to throw things away but it is so beautiful. B

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Pretty interesting rusty remains. Those cables look downright hazardous.

Kate said...

Humans just can't seem to leave nature alone. I have found equally disturbing detritus on the beaches here in SC. Today is the first day of sping. Enjoy and celebrate the Vernal Equinox!

Kathy said...

Mussel shells on a bike tire. Who woulda thunk it!

Janet said...

These are really interesting, and I wonder if someone left these things, or they washed up on shore.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

It makes me terribly sad that we can't keep our Earth clean! I love how metal ages, though. It is such a beautiful color.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Yup we sure leave our sometimes unwelcome presence behind..looking on the positive (?) side they do make for fabulous images ..

MadSnapper said...

beauty is in the details, and that photo is my favorite today... man kind always always leaves things behind.

Anonymous said...

Those are great rusty photos for R I've done a post about Ruby moon hyacinth bean vine.

Anonymous said...

Lots of beauty and creativity in those 'rusty' shots ~ Enjoy ^_^

Jori said...

Oh my goodness! Such rusty goodness! Love it!

Kerri Farley said...


Gillian Olson said...

Very arty remains too, I really like the mussels growing on the bike rim.

RedPat said...

Great shots,EG! Sad to see though.

Karen Lakis said...

Very nice shots - it is too bad that people just dump their stuff. At first glance (without reading the captions) I thought the "r"s were "rope" and "rim" - I guess your photos have lots of r's :-)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love them, too. I always like to see rusty barbed wire...the shells add another dimension!


For some reason, I find the rusty remains especially arresting, but these are all amazing finds and captures!

Gail Dixon said...

It's so disappointing to see stuff like this in nature, but I think it makes for some wonderful photos! I don't know what it is about rust on a photo, but I am always drawn to it.

Stephanie said...

Love the rusty remains, lovely photos as always.

Dana said...

Wonderful shots!

Leovi said...

Wonderful! I like this composition! Beautiful pictures!

Judy said...

Great captures!! I'm always amazed at whet you find on the shoreline.

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

Well we both had our mind on the same idea today didn't we...RUSTIC/vintage the word of the day☺ Love your wheel...

beatrice De said...

Are that the rubish comming from tsunami of Japan ?

Lowell said...

Did you find these just walking along the shore of the lake? That's amazing. I love that last one with all the barnacles! Humans are by and large, slobs!

Susan said...

I love the barnacles or clams on the old bicycle wheel. So cool!

Carletta said...

Cool rusty finds!
Sad though that you can find them along the shore.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Rusty Remains are one of my favorite photo subjects.

Wonderful shots!

Pam Beers. said...

These are incredible shots! There is beauty in almost everything. Ah, the Lake Ontario shore. I live just across the "pond" in upstate NY. I'm five minutes from Lake Ontario. Nice to meet you.

Eden House News and views said...

Your photography is amazing I love it Thank you for sharing .

My name is Riet said...

Your photo's are the best, just beautiful and Rusty Remains is great for R day

Anonymous said...

Nice captures. This may sound crazy, but I like seeing rusty remains...there's just something about them.

Ames said...

I was almost going to ask if this is stuff from the Japanese tsunami but I see you are in Canada. Do you think people just throw this stuff in the lake or ocean?

Anonymous said...

There is such pretty in these shots of forgotten treasures.

Sandy said...

Like you I really love to see
old rusty things... great
Happy Spring

Snowcatcher said...

You know you got me with the bicycle wheel, right?!? All are great texture/color shots, though.

Along These Lines ... said...

I think your photography is getting rusty! :)

Giga said...

Lepiej żeby takich dowodów pobytu ludzi nad jeziorem nie było. Zdjęcie bardzo ciekawe. Pozdrawiam.
Better to such evidence when people are on the lake was not. Photo very interesting. Yours.

George said...

These are fascinating still life photos. It's just too bad that humans have to leave such remains behind.

Annesphamily said...

Gorgeous photos! I really had great fun visiting you today! Have a wonderful week!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

watch that rust, they may give you a nasty cut.

Cezar and Léia said...

Very interesting and beautiful subject for photograph!Very well done!

Anonymous said...

I hate to see all that junk in nature, but it sure does make for pretty pictures!

Naperville Now said...

fabulous shot of the wheel and shells. love seeing what you come up with each week.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Hope you've had a tetanus shot lately though! :)

Susan Anderson said...

Why do rusty things look so cool in photographs? I'm not that into them in person, but I love seeing pictures of them.



A Colorful World said...

The rustiness of our leavings always makes me sad. Wonderful photos.

Rose said...

I love that bicycle...

Unknown said...

Terrific photography! I love all the photos. Great R post :)

Have a lovely weekend.


Esther Joy said...

To make old rusty things into photos of beauty is indeed a talent!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Rusty stuff fascinates me!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Great finds and captures♫♪ Happy Sunday♥

Pondside said...

One of my greatest pleasures is to walk on the shore or in the forest and come across old things, out of place and being consumed by their surroundings. I loved the shells on the rim - a great shot!

Jenny said...

I am always ridiculously besotted with rusty anything!

This was a really awesome link for the letter "R".


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.