Thursday, March 21, 2013

Winter-Spring/Friday Fences

Frenchman's Bay, Pickering

Even though it still felt like winter - blustery and cold - the day I took this photo, spring was in the lighting.

I am linking to Friday Fences here.


eileeninmd said...

It does look like a pretty day with the sun shining! Great shot! Happy Spring!

Revrunner said...

I like the way the fence's shadow appears almost as structural as the fence itself.

Andy said...

You have been sneaking into my territory:-) I love that railing... it's a charmer.

Jack said...

Sorry, EG, I think you will need to wait a little longer for the "real" spring.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Love the fence and the view. B

Elizabeth Edwards said...

nice fence line. like the angle. ( :

Giga said...

Ładne ogrodzenie i widok za nim. Pozdrawiam.
Nice fence and a view of him. Yours.

Kate said...

You managed to get lots of elements into this one photo...great!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking you are about as cold as we are down here. Right now it is 10 minutes after 8:00 AM and the temperature is 18º and it is snowing.

MadSnapper said...

still looks cold from here. we are at high of 67 today which is unheard of for us.

Lowell said...

There is just enough movement on the water, and the light is just brittle enough to feel the chilly breeze! Beautiful photo, though, whether warm or cold!

TexWisGirl said...

blue and silver is very pretty! :)

Anonymous said...

I love shadow and reflections in this post.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

AT least the water is not frozen. Love all the ducks.

Kathy said...

I see your skies are turning blue again!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shimmer on the water, hints of warmth to come!

Unknown said...

So beautiful picture viewing, many fine details.

George said...

I love the bright light in this photo. We have a sunny day here today, but it is very cold. Not spring-like at all.

Karen said...

Love the sparkling water!

RedPat said...

It does look promising!

Gail Dixon said...

Loving that sparkling water and all the soothing blues in the sky and water. Simply wonderful!

Cezar and Léia said...

Lovely day there, with beautiful and delicious sunlight!

Anonymous said...

That was a place I used to go with my brother and his wife and my hubby. Stomping grounds on a Sat and a Sunday. I lived at Kingston road as a kid near Mason road. Wow is that place built up. I looked on the map. Candy one of our bloggers has a picture of reconstruction now at Frenchmans Bay.

Nice clear picture you have taken.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Frenchman's's just got to be a super spot EG :) Hang in there, spring will be along any day now!

kayerj said...

It does look like spring is on it's way.

Susan Anderson said...

Gorgeous day and a lovely shot of it, too.


A Colorful World said...

Great the water!

Halcyon said...

Frenchman's Bay is always a great place for lake shots. Love the glittery light on the water.

Stephanie said...

This shot is stunning!

cieldequimper said...

I'm in love with Frenchman's bay.

Leave It To Davis said...

Love it!

Rose said...

This looks like it looked here today...the wind just cuts to the bone. But Spring is in the air.

Susan said...

For sure looks like spring. Beautiful!

NatureFootstep said...

that´s a nice fence. But might be cold to touch in winter.

Anonymous said...

It may have been blustery but it sure looks like Spring is arriving. A beautiful sunny shot.

Anonymous said...

It looks bright and sunshiny!

barbara l. hale said...

It is amazing how the light changes through the year. Terrific pic!

Nature in the Burbs said...

What a lovely spot by the water!

Jan n Jer said...

Nice the shadows

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.