Monday, May 6, 2013

Sailboat Racing/Our World

 Sailing, Humber Bay Park East

The ice has just barely melted and already by last Thursday sailing enthusiasts were out with their boats!

 Red and white sail

But wait! Look closely - where's the crew?

 Another boat void of crew!

 Member of the Metro Marine Modellers of Toronto

 Found a crew member! He's back on shore.

More marine modellers

In fact there were five or six modellers while we were at the park and more were arriving as we left.

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Andy said...

You burned me. I thought they were the real thing.

Cezar and Léia said...

I also have the first impression the boats were real, they are perfect models!
Wonderful post, I love the sequence pictures!

Gail Dixon said...

Haha, I also thought they were real. Love the red and white sails. So pretty!

Buttons Thoughts said...

I am with Gail I thought they were real. Awesome way to spend a day. Great shots. B

Anonymous said...

I bet they have been waiting all winter for the ice to melt.

MadSnapper said...

i really love love love the last two photos, they both tell a story with out words..

Darla said...

Looks like the crew is having fun.


Penelope Notes said...

Lol … you really had me fooled with these very realistic replicas of sailboats. I see that model trains have competition when it comes to toys for grownups. These look like a lot of fun!

Pamela Gordon said...

That looks like a lot of fun! What a great sport and not as expensive as a real sailboat. :)

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

Oh you got me eyes got so big...thinking there was no crew on are a stinker. I loved it.

Rose said...

Now that is the way to sail! At least this time of year.

Karen said...

Haha, I thought they were models!

Lowell said...

That's a great hobby. We have lots of fight enthusiasts down here, too, and it's amazing what they can do with their planes!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This looks like a very pleasant way to while away a few hours on a sunny day EG. There used to be a lake here in Perth where they did this, haven't seen anyone there for years now.


They are a dedicated crew indeed - I love how bright and sweet those boats look. A welcome start to spring!

Small City Scenes said...

I figured it was a little too cold to be tipping a sail boat. Cool shots of the RCs. MB

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Now that is my kind of sailing! Since I have vertigo issues, boating is out for me now. This looks like fun. Great photos!

cieldequimper said...

It's the first thing I noticed!

Anajá Schmitz said...

Que legal, esses senhores voltaram a ser criança. Parece verdadeiras embarcações. Um dia lindo para apreciar a natureza e os esportes.
Tenha uma ótima semana.

Viola said...

Hahaha! =) that was my first thought.. it's sailing boats for play.. but I was not quite sure.. but still wondering where the sailors had gone..
until I saw the people.. :))

eileeninmd said...

Cool toys! Love these cute little sailboats. You got me though, I thought for sure they were real sailboats with people in them. Great post.

Photo Cache said...

It must have been a long winter for these enthusiasts so the first sign of thaw they were already out in force to enjoy their passion.

betty-NZ said...

What a delightful scene! I love to see older gentlemen staying active. I know they all had a great time!

Indrani said...

Like children they too are having fun. Cool water sports!

Revrunner said...

Makes me want to put together a model sailboat of my own and sail it.

Jack said...

That is what I thought! The community in Florida where I live in the winter has a yacht club, too. You guessed it. Remote controlled boats. (I don't participate.)

Unknown said...

i knew it!:p
i have seen enthusiasts in one of the lakes here but i never took a closer look. great shots!

Dana said...

You got me! Great shots, friend. ☺

Unknown said...

Great fun!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

kayerj said...

awesome! and tons of fun.

Zosia said...

Great pass time like real sailing.

Unknown said...

The ice just barely melted? woah! it's like summer here already :). I love all the photos and my favorite is the second one with the bobbing thing and the Canadian flag on it. So cool.

Have a great weekend,

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.