Mama turtle is cautiously waiting...but for what?
I walked by after taking this photo. The turtle was hiding and didn't want to be discovered. Besides, I was looking for birds, not turtles!

Still there!
When I walked back over the path, she was still there...but laying eggs. I wonder if she knew...
Another nest
there was a marauder in the area - a very hungry raccoon.
More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.
How amazing that you were there at this momentous event!! Perhaps your presence kept the racoon at bay.
Oh I love turtles and birds and this is a great find and incredible shots. Darn Raccoon. B
Oh! So sad to see those damaged eggs.
Great captures.
Great shots, sure hope the racoons leave this bunch of eggs alone.
It's a tough world out there.
I actually said WOW out loud when the first photo popped up. so sorry the racoon got the eggs..
i relocate the mama snapping turtles when i can catch them on land. take them to a pond down a country road not far from here.
Aw, that's so sad. We have sea turtles that come up out of the ocean and lay their eggs in the sand on the beaches. Some people destroy them just for "fun." So many areas are now dedicated to the turtles and one can be fined heavily if he/she messes with turtle nests or eggs.
It's a dangerous world out there. The pictures tell the story.
Poor mama turtle. Nice captures!
She looks like a true mossback. Neat that you were there at THE moment.
Sad! Raccoons could take over the world. ;-0
Wow! Mysteries unfold for you . . .
What a surprise you gave us today.
What a cute face she has!
Hi EG. You must have looked at our weather early on 'cause it's now 90 degrees and climbing. :) Nah, I think it will top out at 91 or 92. But it is humid.
I was going to plant a few bushes today but decided to stay inside and enjoy the air conditioning!
Fantastic shots of the turtle. I hope the marauder doesn't get her eggs.
The survivial on turtle eggs is low. If you want a great site for Ontario Turtles, check out the Toronto Zoo web site. The promo kit is great also. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Great shots! Sad to see those damaged eggs...
Such timing on your part but what a sad outcome.
Awesome captures for the day, EG!! To be able to catch ones like this is fantastic! Thanks for sharing!!
Oh boy those are great shots. Our little Peter Pan and the Wonder boy would be very interested in seeing that...and yes, they do keep us very busy!
It's when you find something you weren't looking for! These are great shots. I really hope that raccoon stays away from these eggs!
There were no 2 legged marauder I was given this by my neighbours who went to the beach.
it ain´t easy to be a mother some times. :(
That is an interesting post and great shots.
You have perfect timing. This are amazing!
Wow- how cool is that!
Poor momma turtle and darn that raccoon! Great shots!
We spied one of those large ones in the mud in a field in the Thousand Islands. I imagine it was a female too.
Love the turtle photos ~ Wow!
Thanks for visiting ^_^
What a great post, the turtle is beautiful but nature is brutal sometimes.
wonderful shots!
Wow - that turtle looks ancient and oh so lovely!
Turtles are amazing creatures. They always look so wise.
Have a wonderful day!
Lovely. But sad.
Reminds me of so many books I've read about the outer banks and the way they have turtle protection clubs that work together to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen.
Great captures! How amazing to see her laying her eggs. Hope the raccoon was already full and left hers alone.
Great captures! How amazing to see her laying her eggs. Hope the raccoon was already full and left hers alone.
Graceful critter!
God bless you!
I have seen box turtles laying their eggs, but never a big turtle of any kind.
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