Saturday, October 18, 2014

Rascally Raccoon

 Juvenile raccoon helping itself to some bird seed

When they are young, cute. When they are older, not so much.

But we humans need to remember - at least I think - that we have invaded THEIR territories and that many of us are slobs so it's only natural that raccoons will take advantage of our slovenly behavior.

Yum! Fast Food better than McDonald's!

However, I agree it's wrong, wrong, WRONG when they destroy roofs and other parts of our homes!

I am linking to Saturday Critters HERE.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

These are marvellous looking animals it is a pity they can be destructive to your homes. Have a great weekend.

Andy said...

Raccoons are able to adapt. They are able to survive in a rural or urban setting. Move a city slicker person to a rural area and and things might not go so good for them. You must admit raccoons they are very cute creatures.

Anonymous said...

These are marvellous looking animals it is.Raccoons are able to adapt.Have a great weekend.

cieldequimper said...

Ah but it's so cute though!

Jo said...

Cute critter and it sounds clever too! Sorry they make a mess of your houses. What is their natural enemy? Greetings, Jo

Pamela Gordon said...

That's a cute one for sure and yes, they can be very destructive. Great pictures.

Shammickite said...

A family of raccoons came down our unused chimney and lived in a space behind our panelled basement wall a few years ago. Getting them out involved tearing the wall down, and actually setting a small fire in the chimney. If you ever saw a raccoon with a slightly singed tail, you'll know how he got it.

Revrunner said...

There's a reason for the mask.

Hootin Anni said...

Love this. I must confess, I have been known to sit and watch a live web cam of a birding area in south Texas...and at night, just before darkness falls, a family of raccoons comes to feed ...they're fun to watch. And cute.

eileeninmd said...

They are cute critters. I agree they can be very destructive.. Your photos are adorable.. Thank you for sharing your post with my critter party.. Have a happy weekend!

William Kendall said...

Great shots of this masked bandit!

Birdman said...

Loved that kid's book, Rascal.

Bob Bushell said...

Pretty baby Raccoon, very excellent photos.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is a beauty and looks fat and healthy... must have a good seed buffet.. LOL... i agree, we live and let live with all creatures unless they destroy the house

TexWisGirl said...

they've raided bird feeders, trash cans, horse feed, cat food here. and gotten into terrible fights with the dogs. i'm never happy to have them around, but they are.

carol l mckenna said...

Great post and adorable photos of the raccoon ~

Happy Weekend to you!

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

rainfield61 said...

Put up a signage:

No entry, rascally raccoon.

Judy said...

I couldn't agree more!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tina, the defender of raccoon. We have a tray feeder like that I bought the cage that fits over it. Keeps the squirrels (and raccoon) out, plus the crows and other big birds that make a mess of things. I've attached a oil drip pan to the top of the cage and that keeps rain out and the seed dry. Happy little birds feel safe while feeding.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I stop in from Gattina photo hunt. We have raccoon here in North Idaho. Great photo.
Stop in for a cup of coffee when you have the time.

Judy said...

What a great picture you got of him! I agree, we tend to push the critters out of their homes when we move in. I hope there will always be room for wildlife.

Rohrerbot said...

I love them wherever they live....young or old. So many people are pigs and rather dumb.....this critter demonstrates that they are smarter than most people:) Once I was a park ranger in WI for the summer and a bunch of campers didn't secure their cooler at night. The raccoon figured it out and took out all their good tupperware while they watched. Then the people had the nerve to ask me to find their tupperware in the woods! Two weeks later while cleaning up on the trails we found the missing containers. It's the people we need to be concerned about I think. Don't feed the humans!:)

Sylvia K said...

Great captures as always, but they can indeed be a pain in the --- whatever!! I suspect if they could speak, however, that they'd say the same thing about us humans and use that as their excuse for being so destructive!! Hope your weekend is off to a great start!! Enjoy!

Adam Jones said...

So cute! I want one.

Adam Jones said...

So cute! I want one.

Gail Dixon said...

Destructive, but oh-so-cute! Love the bird seeds on his nose. Fantastic photos!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

You got some great shots! I don't have any experience with raccoons, but I have heard enough to know they are destructive. I think squirrels are too, but on a scale of one to ten, I am sure that man would sit right there at the top of destructive rascals. Only we aren't so cute.

21 Wits said...

I like seeing them in pictures, not so much in my yard, and they sure do come with a warning in their growl! Great photos of him, I like to call them Randy the Raccoon!

Montanagirl said...

They are rather cute little bandits. I've never had any in my yard here. Out in the country though, my sister-in-law can't have out bird feeders - they get into them.

Tammie Lee said...

they are pretty fun to watch
great photos of them~

i don't like any critter in my roof!

Lorac said...

I love the look of the little rascals. They are an attractive animal. Good pics of the little guy.

RedPat said...

And they can be very cheeky! They move along when they feel like it!

Unknown said...

They're adorable critters!

Ruth Hiebert said...

They are cute,but I understand that they can become quite a nuisance in some cases.

Lowell said...

Got to admit they are cute little rascals, but very pesky. I wouldn't shoot 'em, but I've had to shoo them away a number of times! Nice shots!

Ginny Hartzler said...

He is a FAT one!! Probably from feeding on different bird feeders and trash cans! People complain about this, but all they need to do is keep their trash can lid latched so they cannot get in.

Stephanie said...

They are cute indeed.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i was wondering? so that is the rule on that - they are young = cute. i will remember that. i was thinking??! why is he/she so so cute?? ( :

Michelle said...

They ARE rascals!

Valerie said...

Gorgeous captures - I had my first ever experience of Raccoons while on house exchange on Vancouver Island; it was a real treat. Their "masked bandit" appearance I find quite endearing!

Jen said...

They are extremely clever little thieves. Don't leave coolers out at night when you're camping. They know how to unlock them.

Randy said...

Nice shots. Ours only come out at night.

A Colorful World said...

Young or old, I think they are awesome!

Ingrid said...

What a cute and funny critter !

NatureFootstep said...

gret portraits of the little rascal. :)

Stewart M said...

Splendid animal - I have to say that I have been disappointed to miss out on seeing them on my trips to the US! Next time maybe!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Ela said...

Really so cute ! Great shots !

Ela said...

Really so cute ! Great shots !

DeniseinVA said...

Little rascals yes, but oh so adorable. Fantastic photos!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I remind myself every time the racoons do their business all over the top rocks of our waterfall that they were here first.
You managed to get a couple of good shots of this juvenile.

maryaustria said...

So cute! I love his face!

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful animals, but just about drove us crazy invading our attic two years in a row.

Lisa Gordon said...

What a beautiful creature!

Jack said...

Mmm, I am not a big fan of these guys.

orchid0324 said...

Oh, sweet looking Raccoon♡♡♡ There was a pretty cartoon featuring Raccoon dog, I'm too old for it, though p:)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

cedarmerefarm said...

Too bad we can't have them as pets. They are gorgeous animals. Great shots.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.