Thursday, November 19, 2015


 Happy Birthday played by thoughtful clarinetist

entertaining passengers at vintage train station,

while birthday boy looks somewhat confused,

family inside coach watches kind musician -

grandmother photographs the event to remember

I am linking to Six Word Fridays HERE


William Kendall said...

The birthday boy doesn't know what to make of that sound at all!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Love your first photo. Seems so iconic.

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful captures as always and perfect for the day!! I hope you have a lovely weekend!! Enjoy!!

Lois said...

How fun. Your first shot is just wonderful!

Lowell said...

How nice is that? I'd love to hear him play that clarinet! Hope there was a bucket for money nearby.

Kay said...

That first shot is terrific...and the recipient of the kindness is priceless.

Pat Tillett said...

It looks like fun! Nice photos of it all...

orvokki said...

Lovely photos, but the first one is most fantastic. Like an old style.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a lovely idea but obvoously wasted on the little one.

diane b said...

Very clever and what fun it must have been.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I once cared for a boy who hated that tune and used to burst into tears the moment it was played! I'm not really sure why, but it does usually mean that someone else is getting all the attention - and toys!

Jeevan said...

Beautifully carried away the moment... Nice capture. Pretty, cute and innocent

Mersad said...

Wonderful snaps. Have a great weekend ahead!

Mersad Donko Photography

MadSnapper said...

very kind of him to play it. i bet he is talented at it to.

Halcyon said...

The little boy is cute! Nice of the musician to take requests.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

bless the boy.

Debbie said...

we do need a bit more kindness in the world, simple, kind gestures!!!!

Revrunner said...

Love the kid's reaction. :-)

VP said...

I can almost feel the music...

Rose said...

Nice capture.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bless the boy,
what sweet imagery.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.