Sunday, November 8, 2015

Worn Red Barn

 Old red barn

I'm not sure if this barn is being used or not.  I saw no animals, but th house on the right (not in the photo) looks lived in.

 Longer view

I'm impressed that the silo looks to be in good shape. But there is an old foundation in the foreground and I have no idea what that was for. The fence is slowly deteriorating.

As seen from the front - the sun went behind a big dark cloud! 

It must have been a handsome farm at one time.

I am joining the Barn Collective HERE


Andy said...

Lots of wear and tear on this barn.

Anonymous said...

Interesting find, I wonder if it is actually inhabited?

Nancy Chan said...

The barn must have seen many happy happening in its early days. Have a beautiful new week!

eileeninmd said...

Good morning, it is a great old barn. I do love the red barns, great find. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

Jeevan said...

Nice perspective on the barn and house! Nothing is useless until we decide to use.

Lowell said...

I agree that originally this was a very nice homestead...but years of neglect have taken their toll. I think some folks just give up farming but don't want to move so they continue to live in their houses. That concrete foundation was probably for some sort of shed.

Anonymous said...

Your final line was my thought too. So many small farms are being gobbled up by corporations. Sad for the poor farmers.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's always a little sad to see EG, but it does kind of get the imagination going wondering what it might have been like!

Linda W. said...

That barn needs a good paint job!

cieldequimper said...

Well the worn paint makes it look so delightfully autumnal!

Debbie said...

gorgeous in the past but really worn and beautiful in it's present!!!!

Sylvia K said...

It is sad to see a place that must have been really beautiful at an earlier time, but has deteriorated so much!! One does tend to wonder what the story behind it is!! Great shots for the day, as always!! Hope you have a wonderful new week!!

VP said...

So beautifully autumnal!

William Kendall said...

I wonder if they use it to store some farming items.

Hilary said...

You photos are painted with such beautiful light.. just perfect for this old farm.

RedPat said...

It must have been a great farm at some point, EG!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I always wish I knew the history of these old home places.
Have a great week!

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome shots of the barn!

Happy Week ahead,
artmusedog and carol

ps. ~ no Snow here yet ~ just a reflection of light on the sand

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Such a pity it is not being used now

Rose said...

Oh, I need to get cracking and get a barn post up! If I had not seen this, I am not sure I would have remembered.

Don't you just hate to see a beautiful place like this just slowly fade away? I love that silo as well as the barn.

Tom said...

What can I say, these are out of this world! Thank you so much for sharing them this week and please return again.

Stephanie said...

It is too bad it is not in use anymore. Great shots!

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to keep up all the buildings/fences on a farm. I know I'm always behind. This is a lovely barn though, so I hope they do keep it up.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Love older places like this!...:)JP

Small City Scenes said...

Just a beautiful shot. I suppose houses will appear sooner or later. Sad\MB

Pamela Gordon said...

It's a beautiful old barn and I like the last photo a lot. It does look like it's not being used now.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.