Monday, March 9, 2015

Dilapidated House

 Old log house

This abandoned house and farm has been falling apart since forever. Even though it is miles from any of the villages that make up East Gwilimbury, vandals have discovered it. It's in a valley below a hill. I was standing on the road above it when I took these photos.

Another view

But I have to admit I HAVE (in the past when there was no snow) climbed down the hill to get a closer look.

The property is for sale now so it will be interesting to see if there are any changes.

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Anonymous said...

Covered in snow, from a distance... it looks quite healthy!

Unknown said...

Please climb down again, when the snow is gone and this place isn't sold yet. Looks veeeeery interesting :))
Have a beautiful week!

eileeninmd said...

Great shots of the old place. It will be interesting if someone buys it and does a makeover.. Have a happy day!

diane b said...

The old house makes a nice composition.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Imagine all the stories it holds. I love it. Hug B

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Dilapidation always makes for a fab image EG.. Vandals seem to have an inbuilt radar when it comes to abandoned property unfortunately.

Viola said...

A lonely and once beautiful log house, I guess.. I hope someone will buy it and put it back to life. I love old houses. It's a pity there "has to be" vandals out there and everywhere!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

A great future for someone!...:)JP

Mersad said...

I really like the rustic and rugged charm of the place.

Mersad Donko Photography

Gill - That British Woman said...

I would love to see that house brought back to it's former glory........

Shammickite said...

It looks as though the old place is too far gone to warrant a makeover. Such a shame. I'd love to know the history of the place. Who built it? Who farmed there?

Darla said...

Dilapidated is one of my favorite words. Great photo of the old house.


John's Island said...

I hope you will show us some more shots of this cabin after the snow has gone. The construction looks to be VERY old. Wonder when it was built? Interesting!

William Kendall said...

That is living on borrowed time.

Penelope Postcards said...

Homesteading of the past has given way to vandals in the present … so sad. There is always the chance that the new owners will reinvigorate this underappreciated heritage site.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I hope the new owners can find a way to preserve it. curses on the vandals.

TexWisGirl said...

sweet old place. hope someone buys the property.

Birdman said...

It looks more of an outbuilding for a farm. Bet it has a little bit of history within the walls.

Donna said...

These rustic falling down properties have such a beauty.

Sharon said...

It's an interesting place that seems perfect for photographs. I like the appearance of a rather ghostly figure in the window in the second shot. It adds to the mystery of the place.

Anonymous said...

I could live there...wait...there's snow. Never mind. Hopefully someone more hearty than I will buy the place and call it home.

Judy said...

It looks sturdy and well built. Maybe it will make nice barn for someone.

Sylvia K said...

Ah, I love old houses like this and just wish they could talk to us and tell us their story! Terrific shots for the day as always! Hope you have a wonderful day! Stay warm!!

Dan said...

I hope it can be restored by the next owner. Would make a lovely photo gallery. :)

Deanna said...

I love the look of old houses they have so much character!!

RedPat said...

Someone will buy it and turn it into a weekend home!

John said...

Places like this just reek of history and tales of olden times, with no one to hear or interpret the information. Old structures like this remind me of old people, who themselves have much to share for those with the patience to listen. Both exhibit fading possibilities and gradually failing resolve. Who will step forward?

Pamela Gordon said...

That is so sad to see. Why are people so destructive. I hope you get another change to photograph it up close before it's demolished. I bet there is a history to those log walls.

s.c said...

Still it has the pretty decay look.

VP said...

This is quite sad!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Beautiful little house but I hope no sad future for it ...

Photo Cache said...

I hope it gets a good owner soon, someone who's going to renovate or build over.

mick said...

Great photos of the old house. It is very surprising how long houses like that last with no attention at all.

Amy at love made my home said...

I hope that someone buys and rescues it! xx

Stephanie said...

Glad you got to capture these old beauties before any changes happen.

Anonymous said...

can you imagine people living in such cold condition?

Bethany Carson said...

Sorry to hear about the vandals. As we used to say about houses we drove by in similar condition when we were house-hunting years ago, that one would rent cheap!

carol l mckenna said...

what a wonderful vintage building and great shots of it!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Unknown said...

Great looking old building, any chance of a glimpse inside when the snow clears?

Rose said...

another mystery...I would love to know what happened to the people that lived there at one time.

Cloudia said...

You shine your revealing attention on the mundane and make it glo

ALOHA from Honolulu

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Too bad, it looks like such a sturdy building.

Powell River Books said...

Old houses last a lot longer when they are lived in and cared for. Hopefully someone will love this one again. - Margy

Fun60 said...

There is a certain charm to these dilapidated buildings but to survive it is going to need some TLC.

Mari said...

I always like finding the special beauty in such old places & stuff.

Jack said...

For many people, this little place could be turned into a rather spectacular vacation home.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.