These two mourning doves are always together. I'm not sure who's guarding whom. ;-)
Together they sit on the garage roof, forage under the bird feeder, walk up and down the driveway and sit up on these poles. And just after I snapped this photo, they flew off together.

Here they are on a different day. (Notice they've moved down the pipe a little.)
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They are gorgeous. We had a pair who frequented our garden however, we don't see them anymore ... :(
I think mourning doves mate for life or something like that.
Nice pictures. Mourning doves are always so calm and dignified. You captured them well.
Well that is just toooo sweet. My neighbor keeps thinking we have lots of owls around. Well maybe we do but it is the mourning doves she is hearing.
Good picture. MB
That brings back memories of my youth. I always loved doves. Your photo brought back the sound of the cooing; which I have not heard in many years. A very nice photo too.
A. Lincoln is right--they mate for life. These are great captures...I think doves look like the most gentle creature. To me they are a sign of peace.
I don't have a camera critters shot up this week, EG but I just had to tell you I love your shots of my favorite bird, the mourning dove. :)
great photos! it's like they were posing for you!
Proving that birds of a feather do indeed flock together :D
Lovely shots! Happy CCS!
Nice photos.
Our Doves are eating us out of house and home right now. Not only off the ground but the feeders to. They didn't come around for a while, but now we see 20-30 at the time of Mourning, White-winged, and Eurasian Collared Doves.
Nice CC today
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Troy and Martha
Mourning Doves are so graceful and peaceful looking. These are such gentle, beautiful photos!
I very much enjoy the call of mourning doves. There are a few in my neighborhood; I often hear them, but don't always see them. Lovely photo.
I enjoy the modos even though they are frequently hawk prey and are very popular games birds. So people and hawks like modo meat..
…Happy Weekend. Michelle-
Rambling Woods
Very nice. I like to see a pair together like this.
wow....absolutely gorgeous..
Mine in here Thanks
Nice to know that these two doves are fond of each other's company.
I find that some of the mourning doves in my back yard bird feeder are very aggressive towards their "friends".
What a nice story and beautiful pictures. I didn't realize the mourning doves paired up like this. Lisa
I have always loved mourning doves - to me they have a docility and sweetness always sandy
A perfect pair! The come to my feeder occasionally and eat off the ground. Yesterday for the first time I saw one actually fly onto the feeder.
Absolutely GORGEOUS photos!
What pretty birds!
EG: That first photo has great coloring. Very nicely done for your CC post.
Love the synchronous first shot!
Wonderfully sharp photos!
They are always in pairs. I have about three pair that eat the seed from my birdfeeder. I love hearing them coo.
Wow! soo cute and beautiful to look at them. Amazing how they stay together like that!
W call these collared doves in the uk. These are beautiful captures of them
What a cute pair.
That pale champagne color makes them look very elegant.
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
Oh my gosh! Those photos are just beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and for sharing these beauties:)
Oh I love to hear the mourning doves with their soft cooing... Beautiful shots!
Nice close-ups!
I played too :)
Awesome pictures.
a nice family!
Gorgeous morning doves!! Lovely photos!
Sweet shots! Good captures!
Cheers, Klaus
O how fantastic! They look so real! I know they are, but they seem to be more so!
Oh, they are cute! It's nice to have someone to share the day with :)
Beautiful shots!
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