This bunny has been in a nasty fight (look at its ear) so I'm surprised it didn't take off the minute our car slowed down a few metres from it. Perhaps the wascally wabbit felt safe because I was INSIDE the car leaning out the window on the passenger side. And maybe it would have taken off if I'd opened the door and stepped out. AH! But I didn't!

For more Camera Critters, visit Misty at http://camera-critters.blogspot.com
Poor bunny...but he is so beautiful. I love bunnies, but my cats tend to discourage them.
So cute! Great capture!
We have a huge population of wild bunnies this year, seems to be a 5 year cycle. Good catch. MB
great capture!very nice
i love his ears ... he's obviously been in a tangle or twoo...
Beautiful shot of the rabbit! There are a couple that hang out in my mother's yard in LA. You can get fairly close while they just sit there and watch you. Then all of a sudden they will take off.
He's so cute bunnies are so adorable you lucky dog getting a shot of one.
Wow! Great shot!
Thanks for stopping by mine :)
One ear listening forward; one ear listening back! Great capture. I always greatly enjoy the quality of your photographs, along with the subject matter, of course!
that's a great closeup! what a cute bunny!
He/she is so cute and hungry.
Best close up of a bunny award! He's a cutie.
Poor bunny - his ear does look like something has had a nibble on it! Nice photo!
Have a wonderful weekend!
My Camera Critters Here and Here
Great job of capturing his picture from inside your car! He is a beautiful bunny! I'm sad for him and his ear! Poor little guy...Great Camera Critter Photo!!!
True, cars are fabulous places to watch birds and animals, but indeed don't open your door, not even one centimeter.
glad you told me I thought it was a scalloped ear !! sk
EG: Love your capture and the details are really nice.
wow, great capture!
Wuv your wabbit. Very nice shot. Glad he didn't wun away from you. :)
I had to stop once to get out of the car and pick up a frightened rabbit frommthe road and put in safety. He was fit enough physically.
Gosh he, or she's(?) a real cutie!
And I have a question about your Sky Watch shot. Did you take the picture off of Davis Drive? I know there's a fabulous blue barn that I keep wanting to stop and photograph when I'm up that way, and I thought maybe that barn was on the same road?
That is a spectacular catch. Wonderful detail.
Cute bunny. I think he heard a "putty tat".
Great photo! Thanks for sharing. Stop by and visit with my Camera Critter, too!
The stable is located on Highway 9 in King Township. Highway 9 in Newmarket is Davis Drive, but I don't know if it's called Davis Drive in King. ;-)
Awwww - he's adorable, even if his ear has war wounds. I love bunnies, they are so cute and inquisitive.
My youngest daughter would have loved that one!
Great catch.
It certainly is a great shot! Did you also read "Watership Down" by Richard Adams? Then you can say that rabbits do fight fiercely.
I'm chuckling because it looks like my Buddy Cat's ears! I'm hoping it never hurts too much when they get those ears notched. That is one stupendous photograph!
He is so cute. He looks pretty healthy other than those ear notches. Do you think perhaps they happened some time ago?
What a great capture!
They sit still for a little while and then if you get too close - hoppity hoppity they go.
Glad you stayed in the car - this is wonderful.
Hare today, gone tomorrow...haha
Hi, just dropping by, been busy over the summer.
awww! So cute!
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