Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Those Were the Days/ Wordless Wednesdays

To join in the Wordless Wednesday fun:


Janet said...

Too beautiful for words!

Small City Scenes said...

You do these overlays or whatever you call them, so well. this is just so beautiful. Hollyhocks are so pretty and they are everywhere this year. They must like the on again-off again weather. MB

Ingrid said...

I didn't know the name was hollyhocks, I learn everyday !

Anonymous said...

Great effect! It's like a computer desktop image!

Here are my Wordless Wednesday entries:
Jenn Was Here and Embracing Myself. Please feel free to visit when you have the time. Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is just so beautiful! And that coming from a woman who is not really fond of flowers. :)

My WW entry is here.

SandyCarlson said...

Yes, they were! That is spectacular!

Anonymous said...

What an interesting and eye-catching image. Well done!

Darla said...

Beautiful! Are you warning us that the end of summer is coming?


Anonymous said...

Very cool effect you did here! Happy WW...

Markus Latva-aho said...

This is very fun and beatiful photo! Great how you used these two photos glued together!

Mary said...

Wow....I may never get done exploring your blog! Wonderful stuff!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.