Chinese goose - wild or domestic?
Last weekend, this Chinese goose was hanging out at a yacht club with a flock of Canada geese. When I approached the flock, all the Canada geese slipped into the frigid water to eat and swim. This was the only goose who stayed on land. I couldn't decide whether the goose was actually part of the flock or simply an onlooker like me. For sure, it wasn't carrying a camera.

Cool sighting and photo! Love It!
Not carrying a camera!!!! :D :D :D
Wonderful shot. Perhaps just looking for new friends???? !!!!!
Happy New Year!
That's pretty neat! I don't think I've ever seen a Chinese Goose before! Well, if I did, I didn't know it.
Last weekend?! Where's the snow? Lovely portrait of the handsome Chinese goose! Ni how, ni how!
EG: It ended up a neat capture for certain.
The photo was taken on the SOUTH side of Lake Ontario. ;-)
A great photo of your Chinese duck.
That's cool EG! I wonder if it stays with the Canadian Geese flock? I wonder if it can fly? See what your pictures do? Make me wonder! Good photo.
What a beautiful goose!
My Camera Critter post. Have a good day!
Great capture of an interesting looking goose.
What a nice photo of the goose. Guess it feels it can't go wrong hanging out with the other geese that probably know all the best feeding spots.
Maybe the Chinese goose just thought the water was too cold~
Hey wouldn't that be great if they could carry camera's? :)
Aw, he must be a loner goose!
My first time joining this meme,hope you can take a peek on my first CC entry. Have a great weekend!
What a great entry you have! Wishing you all the best this year. God Bless you and your family.
Mine is up! Hope to see you. Your comment is much appreciated.
Beautiful goose, EG... I've never seen one that looks like that one. He wasn't paying much attention to you, was he?????
Nice shot, I have never seen a Chinese goose.
What interesting colors on the goose! Neat catch!
awesome! wishing you all the best in 2010! mine is up. see yah.
happy camera critters! visit my 2nd entry! Happy new year!
Great capture of the camera-less goose. A Chinese goose in Canada??
What a cutie! Great shot!
Very beautiful photo! I've never seen a Chinese goose before!
p.s. My post is at
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