Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lake Rosseau/ Watery Wednesday

Home built on outcropping on edge of Lake Rosseau

There are many beautiful homes and boathouses on Lake Rosseau, which give new meaning to the other side of the tracks  lake.

You can find more photos celebrating Watery Wednesday at http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com



Jo said...

What a beautiful watery scene. Thanks for popping over to my blog. Jo (Khartoum)

Cezar and Léia said...

I love the angle in this picture with the sweet flowers in the first plan!
Great shot!
Léia :)

Anonymous said...

...and all the stairs gives a very good condition :-D

Darla said...

I can picture myself sitting on the terrace drinking wine and watching boats. Think they want company?


B SQUARED said...

Still looks like summer. Our leaves have begun their change. Seems awfully early.

Francisca said...

You are an early bird, EG! Or do you set your posts to publish early? In any event, there are already FIVE people up to comment ahead of me! And hey... what is Watery Wednesday doing up on your Tuesday morning? For me it's 8 pm Tuesday... I am a night owl... and I only published my Tuesday post a few hours ago! Now, about that pretty photo of yours... I think I could live on the that side of that tra... lake eeeeeasy. :-)

Patti said...

gorgeous scene, EG. I'd love to sit and relax there a while.

Just read your comment at Ralph's..how cool that you've been to Bloomfield!

Have a great Tuesday; I didn't play RT again this week. Can't get my act together.

Small City Scenes said...

Funny but true. Who wouldn't like to live there. MB

Michelle said...

Beautifully framed shot. Makes me want to flag down that boat and ask to be taken across the water to that great house!

Crafty Green Poet said...

looks a lovely place to have a house!

George said...

I think I could be very happy living on that side of the lake! Wonderful scene.

Anca Pandrea said...

Wow, that's a place I would love to visit. But I shouldn't complain, I am the seaside now.
Sending greetings your way!

Anonymous said...

that house has million dollar views. i would love love to live there, well maybe even just stay for a few nights.

Nessa said...

That's in Florida? I thought this was one of the Thousand island Lakes. I had no idea Florida could look like that. Lovely.

Tania said...

Beautiful view and so nice with the flowers in the forground.
Wish you a happy week:-)

Boom Nisanart said...

Love the way you took a shot through the flowers..It's really sweet watery scene : )

Elisa N Viajes said...

It´s nice to pass by your blog.
Thanks for your comment.
The mall is finished but no longer destined to Bon Marché. The project didn´t succed.

Sam said...

This really is gorgeous! We have a lot of houses by the water here in Sydney but the scenery is so, so different! It's lovely to see a different part of the world!

eileeninmd said...

A gorgeous scene, it would be nice to have a house like this on the lake.

Lynette Killam said...

Lovely photo, and I know a little about your neck of the woods. When we emigrated from Ireland in the Fifties, we settled in Elliot Lake and then moved up to Geraldton. Although we eventually moved across the country to Vancouver, in some ways I still feel like an Eastern girl...I so loved Ontario and the Great Lakes.

Thanks so much for stopping by my page! I'll come back and check out more of your photos...


Arija said...

Looks like they can dive right in, just a bit harder to scale the cliff back up again. Great view from up there but money will buy you anything except love.

Michelle said...

I would also love to sit and watch those boats go by. Lovely scene.

Anonymous said...

How would it be? Can't be to jealous. That's what they tell me. Nice shot.

gogouci said...

Nice relaxing view. The flowers add a beautiful spot of color too.

Melissa B. said...

Just beautiful! An unusual composition makes this snap a keeper, I'd say. Bravo!

Unknown said...

what a beautiful place to have a house! lovely composition.

cat said...

I wouldn't mind living there. Gorgeous!

Esther Garvi said...

How beautiful!

Hootin Anni said...

I bet the view from that house on the hill is spectacular.

My Wednesday Photo Do stop by if you can!!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What a beautiful photo. Life must be grand on the other side of the tracks, I mean lake.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What a beautiful photo. Life must be grand on the other side of the tracks, I mean lake.

Roan said...

Looks like a great place to live!

Anonymous said...

Heheheee! I can certainly understand that! Nice lake view

Joanne Olivieri said...

That is so beautiful and I really like that home nestled within the lush green.

Judy said...

I wonder what it would be like to live there! To see the many moods of the lake! I love the Joe Pye weed in the foreground!

Unknown said...

Well I wouldn't mind living there! :0)

isabella kramer - veredit said...

that's exactly the place I want to live ... wonderful shot!

Kim, USA said...

Just by the look, I could tell that blue roof house is pretty!
Blue water

NatureFootstep said...

people like to build in the most impossible places. What about winter problems. :) But a great shot it is.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

nice wild flowers in the foreground. I will be guiilty og plucking htem if I went there.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.