Wednesday, November 30, 2011

D/ Alphabe-Thursday

 Dollhouse #1 in the window of a Port Perry shop

Hmmmm. Seems like someone who sits at my computer doesn't know her alphabet! She posted an E-word this morning when EVERYBODY knows D is the letter that follows C. OOPS! (And of course that mixed-up person is ME!) Thanks for the heads up, Francisca!

D is for Dollhouses.

Sorry for the window glare but I think you can see how wonderful these dollhouses are.

 Dollhouse #2 in window of same store above

In this shot you can also see the reflection of the building across the street.  But still, isn't this lighthouse for dolls fabulous?

Dollhouse #3 in same store window

And isn't the detail on this dollhouse great too?

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


RedPat said...

I would have loved to have one of theses as a kid! Maybe even now!!

Betty Manousos said...

really awesome!

Jenn Jilks said...

I love them!!!

Lúcia said...

They're adorable, love the blue one! ;-)

Mażena said...

They are adorable :)

Craver Vii said...

Impeccable details! Do you use a polarizing filter? That helps with the window glare. My filter is old and has dirt inside. :-(

Beautiful set of doll houses though!

Buttons Thoughts said...

They are beautiful. A little confused this morning were you :) B

Lowell said...

Our daughters would have loved any or all of these delightful doll houses.

You posted an E word? Eeeooowie!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

They truly are wonderful! I bought a similar thing last year for one of my granddaughters, but it was a horse barn, complete with horses and hay. It was really elaborate and kind of pricy, but boy did she love it!

Maybe she needs one of these this year?

My name is Riet said...

These dollhouses are gorgeous. Oh how I would have loved to have one long ago.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, they are gorgeous dollhouses. I'm sure some little girl would love to play with these houses.

Barbara F. said...

Wow is right! If you didn't tell us I would have thought they were regular homes! xo

penny said...

All three are simply beautiful.. the first one is just like the one my daughters Godfather built for her when she was young.

21 Wits said...

Oh I am a huge fan of doll houses, but that lighthouse is really cool...I am going have to get one of those!!!! Oh Santa Baby.....come look see..... said...

Wow, those really are wonderful. I love the lighthouse.

Debbie said...

oooohhhh i LOVE these!! so wonderful the things we get to see through blogging!!

i would adore seeing them in person!!

Leif Hagen said...

Dollhouses #1 and #2 are spectacular! Our 6 year old darling would love to play with them....

I bet you're working on your December theme day posting right now!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how detailed and intricate those doll houses are. I love the lighthouse!

Vicki/Jake said...

They look so real, like someone could move right in! Delightful:)

anitamombanita said...

My dad who was an architect used to build me doll houses when I was small...still love them.

SandyCarlson said...

Gorgeous! I love doll houses.

Betty said...

Those doll houses are so well made. The detail is amazing.

It sounds like you're ready ahead of time for next week!

Kathy said...

What wonderful little miniature places. LOL about your mixed-up alphabet. I'll be looking forward to your E letter, since you were so anxious to get it in.

Randy said...

Love the lighthouse!

KM said...

LOVE!! We have a house here in town like that last one.
~visiting from Miss Jenny's

Annesphamily said...

When I see these beautiful doll houses on sale at Hobby Lobby I always think I need to buy one! Ah....what fun to decorate it! Thanks for the delightful share.

H said...

I love the lighthouse! I didn't ever have a dolls house but if I had, I would want one just like that!

(At least you are all prepared for next week. I haven't even thought about E yet!)

Francisca said...

DANG! If you hadn't DISCLOSED that these were DOLL houses, I'd have DETERMINED that they were real, the DETAILS are DUMBFOUNDING! :-)

Anonymous said...

How adorable! I LOVE miniatures! These are wonderful! And I especially like the lighthouse also! Now I want one. LOL!

Zosia said...

Wonderful, so much attention to detail in making the houses.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful dollhouses, and the blue one is a dream.

Anonymous said...

These are really lovely!

Anonymous said...

These are really lovely!

Judy said...

I love that lighthouse, but the Victorian house is gorgeous, too!!

MadSnapper said...

wow, at first i thought they were real houses. I loved doll houses when I was a child, these are much more beautiful than the ones i had. i love itty bitty furniture

Unknown said...

Amazing detail!

Susan Anderson said...

These are adorable.


My post today: Divine Nature

Anonymous said...

How can I get to this store?? I want to go window-shop! These are just lovely.

Pat said...

Amazing recreations - the lighthouse is wonderful...thank you for sharing with us.

Rose said...

So glad I am not the only one that does silly things...sometimes I even get myself confused.

Jenny said...

I'm always delighted by the degree of detail dollhouse makers can incorporate into their designs!

The same with gingerbread houses!

What a fascinating display!

Thank you for sharing it with us.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.