Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7/ Nature Notes

Hello, March!

They're back!! Local robins must be governed by the movement of the sun rather than by temperature because Ontario has been very cold lately yet this one (and about six or eight of its friends) were eating frozen apples here last weekend.  It's great to see the robins as now I KNOW spring is near. (A few robins stay north of Lake Ontario in winter, but I rarely see them in East Gwillimbury.)

Moving clockwise, seed heads on cattails look rather matted; BLUE sky but no buds bursting on the willows yet; frozen wild grapes still on a vine; icicles on another grapevine; and proof that we had a visitor in the night - a raccoon who caused no damage because everything was locked in the garage.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more


Cezar and Léia said...

I would like to see a raccoon face to face and take portrait pictures of him! :)I've never met a raccoon!
Your collage is adorable!

Giga said...

Piękne kolaż, ale o wiele milej by było gdyby wokół ptaka były kolorowe kwiaty :-). Tęsknię już bardzo za wiosną. Pozdrawiam. *** Beautiful collage, but much nicer to be around if the bird were colored flowers :-). Already miss you very much for spring. Yours.

Kate said...

Raccoons can be rascals, causing lots of property damage. I think that I prefer the visits from the robins.

Judy said...

No robins sighted here yet. We treed a big raccoon last year by accident during sugaring.

Darla said...

Nothing says spring like the first robin. We spotted one in our yard not many days ago.


Lowell said...

Nice post, EG. Love that robin redbreast and the raccoon tracks. Those raccoons are such rascals. Around here some of them carry rabies so you have to be careful. Spring is on the way, right?

Kathy said...

The shot of the robin is just perfect. It even has the matching berry! We've had an overabundance of robins this year, more so than I ever remember. Wonder what that means?

Jill said...

Fantastic collage. The robin looks so lovely. The racoon prints are fun as long as he didn't cause any damage.

Viola said...

Right.. now I see *your Robin*! It's bigger and quite different from *my Robin*! ;) But it is really beautiful! Here there can be some staying over for winter.. but many do not.. (I think so, at least..)

Such a lovely collage you've made! :)
And a great picture of the traces of a raccoon! =)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my eyes went straight to the frozen grapes, so beautiful and next to the paw print, love that shot. glad your sweet little robins are back

Digital Flower Pictures said...

More and more signs that spring is around the corner,

TexWisGirl said...

the raccoon tracks made me smile. they hit the cat food in the barn regularly here. :)

Donna said...

I am SE of Lake Ontario and just on the S shore of Oneida Lake in the central part of NY. We see robins throughout the winter if it is mild otherwise they are feeding in orchards during winter here. I love the frozen has been cold here but the crocus are braving the cold and bulbs are forcing their way up.

Leora said...

Love the robin with the frozen apple. Reminds me of my grandmother, who survived what was called the starvation time in Russia by eating frozen potatoes. The robin has it a lot easier.

Rambling Woods said...

Really robins..I haven't seen one yet, but there isn't much to eat for them..I have some fruit suet pellets I will put out with my raisins...It does make us all feel better moving into spring...Have a great week EG!!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely collage, breathing beauty and nature's loveliness. I love the robin, so sweet looking.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely collage for the month of March! One day it's winter, the next it's spring.
I like the raccoon tracks in the snow. They are such beautiful animals - but not in the attic three years in a row!

Paul in Powell River said...

Robins are year round here, and so, as my garbage can can attest to, are racoons.

kayerj said...

Robin Redbreast is so cheery, and I love the racoon tracks.

Linda said...

How interesting. Robins are a sign of autumn here - it's when they start to sing again, while other birds are silent. They're around all year, but fairly belt it out in the autumn.

eileeninmd said...

I am so ready for spring! Cute Robin! It is a shame we have to lock away the birdseed and food to keep the raccoons away. I do the same here. Wonderful photos and mosiac!

Susan said...

I love this! Looks so cold, but there is the robin. Really pretty!

Stewart M said...

I think you may have a point about what is common place (or even annoying!) for me, being exotic for other people. Cardinal anyone!

Cheers - Stewart M

Carver said...

Beautiful nature collage. I love the shot of the robin and the raccoon footprint.

Rose said...

That robin still looks cold...but they always come back here in time for a little snow.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful collage and an interesting observation about the robins. He looks pretty happy eating that fruit, even if his feet are cold ;>)....I miss robins, I don't think we have any in Florida ever (I'll go look that up.)

Libby said...

Perfect little paw prints! And nice shot on the robin too!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.