Monday, March 12, 2012

Wildlife/Our World

 Do you see what I see?

Saturday morning my husband and I were out looking for photogenic ice (everybody does that, right?) when suddenly I realized something moving and brown was off in the distance.

 Yep, a BEAVER!

The first beaver I have ever seen in East Gwillimbury. Sure I knew they were here (I've seen their dams) but the only beavers I've photographed have been in other towns.

 Red-tailed hawk

Then a little while later we spied a hawk, who was (you guessed it)

OOPS! It's not impressed by us. Not at all!

...spying on us.

Click  HERE to see tons more photos about Our World.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The beaver is rather fat, considering it is winter.

Jill said...

Really great close ups of these two beauties.

Suburban Girl said...

I've have never seen a beaver either, just the evidence of their existence. That must have been a nice surprise.

Kathy said...

The photo of the hawk looks almost like a watercolor. Nice shots!

Andy said...

I always have a tough time photographing hawks. By the time I get my camera up to my face they are gone in a blink.

Anonymous said...

Love that beaver picture. And the hawk is nice too. You captured them in all their glory.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen a beaver except on TV this is amazing, he is a cute little fatty. beautiful hawk, ours are red shoulder instead of red tail. very much alike though.

Judy said...

I like the capture of the redtail, as it is flying away. Just the position of the wings, and the going away part - so natural!

Penelope Notes said...

At first glance I though the beaver was an old rusty barrel. Exciting to see a beaver that Canada is so famous for. I don’t think I have ever seen one in person … although I hear they are everywhere and I’ve seen the results of their work!

Halcyon said...

A great beaver shot! He's so cute. :)
And nothing beats a stunning red-tailed hawk. Looks like you and the hubs had success, even if it wasn't with ice. :)

TexWisGirl said...

great shots! love the beaver sighting!

Susan said...

Wow, great photos! I love the beaver and the hawk. Love these!

Judy said...

How lucky to get to see one of those elusive creatures! Great shot of the hawk too.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen one either. I would have thought it was a muskrat by the photo.

Paul in Powell River said...

Nice catches on both! It's always a thrill to get good wildlife captures.

RedPat said...

wonderful fluffy winter coat on that beaver! I have never seen one in the wild!

annalarssonphotography said...

Truly amazing captures! Congrats!

Lesley said...

A beaver and a hawk is way better than ice!!

Unknown said...

If the beaver are moving you've got spring!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

What marvelous shots! I do love the beave, and the hawk is beautiful! Glad you caught him before he got he so suspicious! Spring is on the way!! Have a great week!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh wonderful wildlife pictures -- I was going to kid you about forgetting to take the ice pictures, but as I'm writing I can see the title of the post below, so I'll go check that out.

The hawk may not have been impressed by you, but I am! Especially that you got such a good flight shot.

Ebie said...

Honestly, this is my first time to see a real beaver!

Photography is very addicting (so is blogging) and you've got a very supportive hubby!

EG CameraGirl said...

Sinbad on the Loose,

Muskrats and beavers look a lot alike. It's difficult to see in this photo how big this critter is, but he's way, WAY bigger than a muskrat. :)

Snap said...

How exciting to finally actually see the beaver! Love the hawk.

Carver said...

Great shots of the beaver and hawks. I missed the lake near me not freezing over this winter. For several years in a row, I specifically went there for ice shots but this year the only thing that froze were my bird baths.

Lowell said...

I've been gnawing over what to say, and I finally had it figured out, then it flew right out of my head!

I'd say, though, you had one heck of a day! I've never seen either of these critters in the wild. And I've been in some wild places! :-)

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, wow, a beaver. Wonderful. And the red-tailed hawk really gave you a good view of his red tail when he flew off. Great photos.

Unknown said...

Don't actually know, how far North beavers normally go? Great capture:) But the hawk is my favorite! You must have a nose for when these animals show up!

genie said...

Love your fat little beaver....he is so cute. It is amazing what these animals are capable of building. The red tailed hawk is to of this world. Such an amazing bird. genie

Andrea said...

Oooops, they are all lovely, but that beaver is so cute!

Jack said...

I would say you had a productive day of shooting pictures, EG. I am not sure I have seen a beaver either, though their handiwork is often seen.

Stephanie said...

I love the shot of the beaver and the hawk. Great captures!

Gaelyn said...

Great sightings and captures. Never seen a beaver, just the damns and lodges. Very cool.

George said...

It looks as if you had a very successful Saturday morning outing. I'm impressed with with your photo of the hawk, even if he wasn't impressed with you.

Randy said...

Awesome. I have never seen a real beaver before.

Rambling Woods said...

I would have been thrilled to see one....

Martha Z said...

All of us photo bloggers go looking for ice. It's nice to find something photogenic that we're not looking for, though.

Rose said...

I have yet to see a beaver...not sure what has happened but I didn't see them very much last year anyway.

Gillian Olson said...

What lucky sightings! I have seen mant a beaver dam, but narry a beaver and have yet to see one of those hawks up close. Great captures!

Davidlind said...

Cool. Beavers are such industrious animals. Like giant bees with fur.

eileeninmd said...

Great sightings of the beaver and the gorgeous hawk. Thanks for sharing, have a great day!

Anonymous said...

What great shots! Love the fluffy beaver.

Unknown said...

the hawk looks so regal. i wonder if beavers can be a pet.:p

Janie said...

Great captures of both the beaver and the hawk.

Viola said...

Oh, how lucky you were, to se the beaver!! And a great photographer also! :) How beautiful the beaver is! Same to the red-tailed hawk! We don't have red-tailed hawks here in my country..

kayerj said...

wow! great shots today.

NatureFootstep said...

a beaver and a hawk. A great walk for you that day.

CameraCruise said...

Great shots of the beauties!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.