Monday, March 26, 2012

Railway Museum/Our World

 Memory Junction Railway Museum, Brighton, Ontario

This museum is located on land that was until the 1960s a station for passenger service. Trains don't stop here any more but they do pass by on the nearby tracks, and museum visitors are invited to sit on the platform to watch.

It's a small museum but what's there is worth seeing.

Side view of Canadian National Railway engine #2534

Built in 1906, engine 2534 was once used to draw freight between Quebec City and Ottawa.

Closeup of engine window


This caboose spent most of its work life on the Canadian Prairies. From the cupola, the train's brakeman viewed the length of the train to watch for potential problems such as smoking wheels or swaying cars.

Kids of all ages love trains

Click  HERE to see tons more photos about Our World.


Viola said...

Oh.. that must be great to see.. It's worth its place on a museum, so it can *live for ever*.. Sweet windows on the national railway engine.. and I also like the caboose.. :)

Darla said...

This "kid" certainly does love trains. Your pics delighted me this morning.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love trains, old and new. Museum pieces and working. This looks like a great place.

I posted about trains today also.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I have been there it is not very far to drive and worth the trip. B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this kid loves trains and train museums. our here is having a civil war encampment and battle and train ride during the battle in april, my plans are to go for the ride.

Lowell said...

Kids of all ages like trains, too. Like me. Great set of images and makes me rather nostalgic. I remember the days when you could actually travel just about anywhere on trains. My dad traveled a lot in the 50s and almost always took a train.

Paul in Powell River said...

Nice! - unfortunately there are lots of places trains don't stop anymore.

cieldequimper said...

Choo, choo! I wouldn't mind rumbling through the prairie in an old train!

Judy said...

I'm one of those kids that love trains. Nice post.

TexWisGirl said...

love the black and red engine. :)

Anonymous said...

I would enjoy a job riding in the caboose, sitting up in the cuploa gazing out across the Canadian Prairie. Could do that for hours on end.

RedPat said...

Everyone loves a train!

Cezar and Léia said...

I'd certainly love to see it, what a "powerful" subject!
God bless you!

Stephanie said...

I missed seeing trains from where I grew up. Since the train has stopped running here, we do not see it unless we go to Vancouver or on our travels. I like the photo of the Caboose.

Michelle said...

Fantastic trains. I don't see many around here.

Martha Z said...

You and Yogi both. There is something about trains that is very nostalgic, especially for those of us who remember when steam ruled.

fiziskandarz said...

awesome information, so thanks for sharing :) and what a gorgeous weather u got there! :D

Randy said...

I love the caboose.

Kathy said...

I'm not sure what it is that makes trains so fascinating to all of us. The same reasons I guess that cars and airplanes appeal to us - a sense of adventure, speed, and freedom perhaps?

Gillian Olson said...

It is so true that kids of all ages love trains.

Rose said...

Lorelei would like this place!

George said...

This looks like a neat little museum. I still consider myself to be a child when I see a steam locomotive.

Unknown said...

we were just talking about trains over lunch. the market i go to is beside a railroad and i usually get nervous when there's a train coming.:p

the old trains are beautiful.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I do love those old trains! I still love to ride trains! These are such terrific shots! Great memories!
Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Randi said...

Terrific captures! I would love to take a ride...

LindyLouMac said...

My husband would find this place very interesting.

Paulie said...

Very interesting! I like the idea of the cupola and the job performed in it.

Jenn Jilks said...

I wonder how many train museums there are in Canada? Love them.
We have one in SMiths Falls.

My world!

A Colorful World said...

I worked at a train museum for eleven months and just loved it. We had the station and a caboose and I always wished we could procure a locomotive. This is wonderful! Loved the photos!

Susan said...

Love old trains. Great photos!

Linda said...

It's lovely to see the old trains.

Unknown said...

Old trains, old cars loved to watch them with the kids when they were younger. The first one reminds me of the movie The Polar Express! Mysterious and magical.

Anonymous said...

What classic and nostalgic captures of the trains, a time gone by. Beauties, each one. Love the last one...children come in many forms and ages.

Powell River Books said...

We have an active railroad the runs right through Bellingham. It is fun to watch the passenger and freight trains go by. I miss the cabooses. There is one old one here on the sideline. Lots of graffiti, not sure where she is going. Always though it would be fun to live in one, a piece of history. - Margy

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Great shots of these beautiful old trains.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.