Sunday, March 25, 2012

Grecian Windflower/ Sunday Best

It's spring here!

Yes, it truly is. And this daisy-like flower just opening out to receive the rays of the sun  is proof. I'm quite sure this Grecian windflower (Anemone blanda) has never bloomed this early in my gardens before, so I am amazed!

I am linking to Your Sunday Best at A Rural Journal


eileeninmd said...

Lovely shot of the pond! Looks like a great habitat for the critters. Happy Sunday!

Cezar and Léia said...

Perfect close up, this flower is beautiful, it's happy song to my heart, thanks for sharing!

Kate said...

A lovely bloom; isn't the color combination terrific?!

Penelope Notes said...

I’ve heard of wallflowers but this Grecian windflower has a lot more flare!

Icy BC said...

Oh my goodness, this is such a beautiful flower, and deep purple color!

cieldequimper said...

Ah such a pretty harbinger of spring!

Cheryl said...

It's spring here too! Great capture & gorgeous colors.

Crafty Green Poet said...

pretty birch trees!

Tanya Breese said...

what an amazing color!

Judy said...

This is absolutely amazing!!

Kerri Farley said...

Gorgeous! LOVE that vibrant color!

TexWisGirl said...

such rich color!

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is beautiful. Seems to me I had one blooming in my garden years ago,but not this early.

Anonymous said...

Nice that Spring is showing her stuff there. I was tired of all the snow and ice. ( I am not a cold weather person )

Paul in Powell River said...

Lovely shot - your recent spate of warm weather should give a kick start to spring!

Judy said...

Crazy weather and you are so lucky to have this treat to look at. No flowers in my yard yet.

Lois Evensen said...

Oh, yes, SPRING! What a lovely color, too.

Halcyon said...

I bought some anenomes to plant. The directions on the package said they go nicely with dahlias, so I am planning on putting them out at the same time. I hope they'll turn out. This one is beautiful! I haven't gotten any flowers yet, but things are turning green. :)

Nancy said...

What beautiful evidence that spring is here...

RedPat said...

Beautiful! Isn't this weather crazy!

Jack said...

A fine image, EG. I don't grow these plants, so I dn't have a history of when they start to flower.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shot! The colour is beautiful.

You may like to post your flower photos on my Floral Friday Fotos meme:

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow, gorgeous purple and it looks like it could jump off the page. Great shot!

Gillian Olson said...

Love the colour of this early bird too!

A Garden of Threads said...

Gorgeous shot. I also have things blooming earlier then usual. Tomorrow is supported to be cold:(

Stephanie said...

I love how you captured this one.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful flower!

George said...

What a wonderful welcome to Spring. I love the color of the blossom. Your photo is marvelous.

Michelle said...

Very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wow... so gorgeous!

Nancy said...

Such a pretty purple/blue! How nice to discover this in your garden.

Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best. :)

Viola said...

Lovely flower! :) It's good to hear spring has arrived at your place too! :)

Wish you lovely *spring days*! :)

Kathy said...

Spring has just busted out all over everywhere. Our AC is on right now at 9 p.m.! But by morning we'll need a tiny bit of heat!

Rose said...


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.