Monday, November 19, 2012

Kempenfelt Bay/Our World

 Barrie waterfront

It was a mostly overcast day, the light just right for creating faint reflections.

Birdhouse in the harbour

I'm not sure what birds this birdhouse was made to attract, but most times there's a gull sitting on the roof.

 Neat and tidy island

I like to stand  on the bank and watch ducks and shorebirds. The distance between the shore and the island is fairly short, and all kinds of birds land her - for some reason, quite unafraid.

Fishers out on a warm late autumn day

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow that looks very peaceful I would be standing there too.
I have never been to Barrie but someday. Great shots. B

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love the little birdhouse. so cute. (:

Penelope Notes said...

I can sense the approaching winter in these photos. If I were a small bird I would be afraid to hide in that birdhouse with a relatively giant seagull hanging out on the roof. :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful images, the grayer skies and slightly rippled waters make for a great effect.

Gill - That British Woman said...

that's a swallow or a martin house. I wonder why they put it there?

Great shots,


Darla said...

The bit of wild land against the cityscape is interesting.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first one almost looks like ice, i had to stare at it to see it is just reflections. beautiful

Halcyon said...

Ah yes, typical Barrie. :)
Nice reflections too!

Viola said...

Lovely reflections and photos! :)

such a contrast between those big buildnings (blockhouses?) and the trees in the landscape..

TexWisGirl said...

i love the rocks on the shore.

renae said...

EG! hi! those are very interesting and awesome photos! i got all mesmerized by them. beautiful!

yes, this week should be great. thanks for stopping by and saying nice things.

Stephanie said...

Nice reflections and nice to see what Barrie looks like.

RedPat said...

Lovely soft reflections in these ones!


Love the overcast reflections and that birdhouse is such a sweet touch!

Lowell said...

Very pretty...I like the way the colors are muted...but actually makes it look like a cool day.

Paul in Powell River said...

Your bird "apartment" fits in well with the rest of your scenes.

Unknown said...

Love that bird house!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

Really great captures and such a peaceful looking place, EG! Somehow the gray skies make it seem even more peaceful!! I love spending time at places like this! Hope you have a wonderful week!!

Susan Anderson said...

Love the rocks of the little island. I always love the looks of rocks and water.


Gail Dixon said...

Lovely images. Overcast days are great for photography. I wonder if that birdhouse is for purple martins? That's what it reminds me of.

Fun60 said...

You can almost feel winter in the air when looking at your photos.

carol l mckenna said...

Very wonderful photography of a very beautiful place ~ love water shots ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Photo Cache said...

beautiful corner of the universe. it does remind me of the sights of emeryville from berkeley (photo first and last), two cities just outside of San Fran.

Michelle said...

That is a sweet, little birdhouse.

George said...

I really like the reflections in your first photo. You did a great job of capturing them.

Becky said...

Cool shots EG. I too like to just watch the shore birds. Still waiting for the Tundra swans in my area. Got pics on Lake Erie yesterday of a few, so they are on the move. Thanks for the info.

Andrea said...

It looks cold and silent, not much activity going on. But i love the silence and it looks idyllic.

Rohrerbot said...

Looks like a quiet and sleepy walk along the waters:) Reminds me of my walks along Lake Michigan on days like these. Very nice:)

Randy said...

You still caught some nice reflections.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely shots of the bay and reflections. The birdhouse looks like a purple martin house or maybe swallow. They would only be there in the spring and summer.

Anonymous said...

The silver reflections look so peaceful and lovely.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.