Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fat-bottomed Icicles/Cool Clicks

Black duck standing in front of strange icicles

Originally this was going to be a photo all about the strange icicles in the background until this black duck walked into the frame and just stood there making it a much better photo. Thank you, little duck!

 A longer view

I am linking to Cool Clicks HERE.


Joyful said...

Very interesting photos. I think the icicles look a little like duck's feet.

The Cranky said...

How very odd...the snowbank has dangly earrings!

Tina´s PicStory said...

poor ducky :( and great pics! :)

eileeninmd said...

They are cool looking icicles! Great captures!

Revrunner said...

I guess the water level must have dropped since the icicles were formed?

Lorna said...

I've never seen anything like those but I agree with Jacqueline that they look like dangly earrings. Now why would that image come to mind?

Jill said...

Wow! This is so cool! I have never seen icicles like that either and marvel in their beauty. Glad the duck joined in!

Darla said...

What interesting icicles. They look like they could be part of some kind of jewelry. I think the duck heard that some of his friends had shown up on your blog and didn't want to be left out.


Andy said...

The strange icicles would have been a great shot on their own. Instead you got a bonus with a friendly duck.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those are the coolest icicles I have ever seen, a first for me.. great photos, sweet little cold butt duck.

Kathy said...

Definitely an interesting formation.

Anonymous said...

Awesome and amazing!

Pamela Gordon said...

Wonderful photos EG. I wonder why they froze this way. So pretty.

George said...

This is indeed a cool click. I like both the duck and the icicles.

Anonymous said...

They look like golf clubs.

TexWisGirl said...

love it! and love your title, too. now i'm gonna be singing 'fat-bottomed girls' in my head all morning...

Gail Dixon said...

Photobombed by a cute duck. Lucky you. I wonder why those icicles are shaped like that? Makes for an interesting photo.

R's Rue said...

Beautiful photos!
You are talented!

Karen said...

A cool click indeed! I'm with Tex, I now have "Fat Bottomed Girls" as today's earworm.

Stephanie said...

Very Interesting icicles. The duck made the shot. Good one!

Cindy said...

I agree with Joyful, the icicles do look like little duck feet. Beautiful little duck too.

Lowell said...

I'm trying to figure out why the icicles formed in such a manner. Must have something to do with the water beneath. Fascinating. And the duck...well, ducks are ducks. They often don't look they have a clue but they seem to do very well in any kind of weather.

Jenny said...

Fat bottomed icicyles make the rocking world go round.



Get it?


Okay. Never mind.

Kerri Farley said...

Brrrr on his butt!! Great capture :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

now that is a tough bird. so cold. i'll pass. ( :

Ruth Hiebert said...

Interesting to see how we all see things in a unique way. I saw the icicles as golf clubs and I'm not even a golfer. Whatever they look like,they sure are pretty.

RedPat said...

Very cool! What a cooperative duck!


Aw, its also a cutie, on top of being a most helpful photographic element! (Love the icicles too:)

Susan said...

Just goes to show you that you can be fat bottomed and still beautiful!
:)) Amazing photos!

Craver Vii said...

Far out! Those are amusing icicles.

Snowcatcher said...

The duck definitely does add interest, but wholy cow, the shape of those icycles! You don't really need anything more than the unusual shapes!!!

Judy said...

You're right! The duck does make it a more interesting image!! I love those icicles, though!!!

kayerj said...

what an awesome shot!

Rose said...

Love those fat-bottomed icicles!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.