Wednesday, February 6, 2013


L is for LIMB

When the leaves or needles are gone it's easy to see how graceful some tree limbs are.

Bare limbs on dead tree

This tree has already lost  parts of many limbs but the ones that remain remind me of a graceful dancer. 

 Hanging on to a limb

I suspect this young raccoon is up tp no good. It definitely wants me to go away.
Hawk on a TV limb antenna

Could it be this hawk has mistaken this old antenna for a limb? Or is it simply addicted to reality TV?

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


The Cranky said...

Winter's stark beauty, when we can more fully appreciate line and form.

Beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

I love the first photo, so desolate looking.

Cezar and Léia said...

That first composition is magnificent, very poetic, I love the tree!And I'm delighted by the cute friend "Hanging on to a limb"!
Wonderful post EG, thanks for sharing!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love your words this morning. I also think the Hawk is my favourite. You always make me smile with your fabulous photos. B

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love leafless trees, we can see their bones.

Kathy said...

Love the first shot of the lonesome tree and of course that little coon is a cutie!

Darla said...

Like the shot of the tree at the edge of the water. Winter is a great time to study the structure of a tree. So much is hidden when it gets dressed in its leaves.


Gail Dixon said...

Love the tree in that first shot. Great composition! The raccoon and hawk are awesome.

MadSnapper said...

L is for Love the limbs on that first tree and the owl on the limb blew my mind

MadSnapper said...

L is also for LOST my mind, raccoon on the tree limb not owl

TexWisGirl said...

a blogger pal says winter trees are 'writing on the sky'. that has stuck with me.

Indrani said...

Great collection for 'L'.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

The first photo is beautiful! I love trees in any season. The raccoon is an added bonus.


Oh that raccoon and hawk! But those bare trees are timeless for winter:)

Rose said...

I really love that first that the tree is placed to the side.

Linda said...

Love the first photo .... bare tree on a cold winter setting.

Judy said...

I love that first image!! it sums up winter so well!!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Lovely pictures.The first one really got my attention.It looks cold,but has a beauty about that is attractive.

Susan said...

Wonderful photos! haha about the hawk, probably hooked on reality TV!

cieldequimper said...

So antennaes aren't limbs? The first shot is the one I am in love with!

RedPat said...

Cool shots. The hawk is looking for the Nature channel. ;-)

Lowell said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is a really good post for the theme. That raccoon looks very wary of you and the hawk is wondering if you would make a good dinner!

Stephanie said...

Stark beauty on the first photos and brrrr. Love the raccoon in the tree.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love the shot of the hawk! excellently done...

Anonymous said...

What a great L word. I love looking at all the gnarled limbs on my big oak trees.

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic post and photography ~ Love the trees and wildlife!

Carol of: A Creative Harbor ~ visiting from Alphabe Thurs.

Michelle said...

That first shot is just stunning.

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

The single barren trees, owl, hawk also look "L"onely.

Pamela Gordon said...

Wonderful shots! Love that last one. ;)

Anonymous said...

Look at that raccoon! Love.

Randy said...

Cute raccoon. I like the first shot too.

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful pictures, especially the first. Your last comment had me laughing.

George said...

Thanks for pointing out how graceful tree limbs can be. I really like your photo of the raccoon. I agree he probably was up to no good.

Shammickite said...

That's a cold view of the lake, lovely tree though.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

A lovely tree! You know I love to paint trees because of its limbs:)
Haha, the raccoon doesn't like to be spied on:)

Anonymous said...

I love your L post. Limbs is a perfect L word to share. My son just pointed out yesterday that our trees so need leaves. They look so bare.

Naperville Now said...

great L post -- especially that first shot, which is stunning.

Snowcatcher said...

That first photo is incredibly tranquil, while the raccoon and hawk pictures are lively and, with your captions, hysterical!

Esther Joy said...

Wonderful shots once again! You are so talented! I'm trying to learn to open my eyes to the beauty around me that I have neglected to see because of being preoccupied for too long with the busyness of life!

kayerj said...

I guess that's what limbs are for. :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A very diverse series of 'limb' images EG, well done, love the hawk, wonder what its fav program is haha!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Wonderful wonderful shots! Love this L post! :)

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Wonderful wonderful shots! Love this L post! :)

Eden House News and views said...

I love to see the pure shape of a leafless tree but I also love when the light green leaves start to burst in the spring

Lmkazmierczak said...

Seems you went out on a limb for some of these shots♫♪ Nice L:

Susan Anderson said...

Limbs are lovely!


Jenny said...

I haven't seen a racoon in years!

What a neat shot!

Love the starkness of the bare limbs against the sky!

Such a lovely link.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.