Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hoar Frost/Top Shot

Hoar frost on fence and weeds

Some days winter can be incredibly beautiful! Hoar frost occurs on cold, clear nights when the air is warmer than whatever it touches.

I am linking to Madge's Weekly Top Shot.


Lovable Derek said...

You're very talented with a camera. What's "Hoar" frost? Does it differ from ordinary frost?

Kathy said...

I often wondered what hoar frost was. Thanks for the enlightenment.

rainfield61 said...

Days are beautiful.

Our mind changes that.

Patricia said...

You made the winter look beautiful, nice shot!!

Malyss said...

Beautiful! i see the music and notes of winter!

Andy said...

Your photo looks so real that it gave a chill.

Nancy said...

We have this very thing this morning. Everything is covered in frost. Lovely photo.

eileeninmd said...

The hoar frost is beautiful, lovely capture!

Birdman said...

Beauty in its simplicity.

Nell at njschout said...

An absolutely beautiful photo!

A Creative Grace said...

What a beautiful shot there, such lovely composition and colours, I love it :)

HansHB said...

Gorgeous photo!
Well done!

Gail Dixon said...

I did not know about hoar frost. Thanks for the lesson and your beautiful photo!

Anonymous said...

It sure does make for a perfect photo!

Cindy said...

Beautiful capture!!

Zosia said...

Lovely, looks a bit like notes on note paper.

Susan said...

How absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Divine and elegant photography for WTS ~ Love it!

TexWisGirl said...

just beautiful.

Muffy's Marks said...

I love hoar frost, especially when the sun shines on it and makes it look like a million little diamonds!!
Beautiful but short lived!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yes we still have the vue... love the frost on the weeds

Anonymous said...

I knew of it but never what constituted hoar frost. Hmm...

Small City Scenes said...

It is very beautiful and looks very cold. We are having such a mild winter this year---no heavy frost at all. Well, just rain. MB

Pamela Gordon said...

Very pretty shot EG. We haven't had many hoar frosts here this year.

RedPat said...

I have some hoar frost on part of my brick wall right now!

cieldequimper said...

Arguably my favourite winter scene. We get it every 10 years or so...

Laura said...

absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous shot... I agree with you, this is so beautiful... nature gives us such exquisite subjects sometimes... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #71!

Anonymous said...

really beautiful image!!!

Karen said...

I love the composition and cool winter blues.

Kay said...

This is so beautiful! Thanks for explaining how this comes about.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog (Bear With Me) Love your cold/blue delicacy♫ Happy Week-end♥

Lowell said...

You do give winter a pretty face! Looks a vast expanse of white wilderness with a wee fence trying to hole it back before it engulfs the whole world!

Hilda R.B said...

Beautiful winter Photo.
From Hilda

Ginx Craft said...

Lovely photo!!

Randy said...

Nice composition.

Dana said...

So pretty!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Gorgeous photo! It is both soft and harsh at the same time, showing light and shadow, colour yet a hint of black and white. It would work well as fabric artwork too.

Stephanie said...

I love this one! This would look nice on a canvas.

RURAL said...

Wow, what a lovely shot...

We get so few opportunities to actually see hoar's my fav.


Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Lovely photo of the hoar frost!

Hilda said...

I've heard of the term before but this is the first time someone explained hoar frost for me—thank you. And your photo is beautiful!

A Colorful World said...

A really beautiful photo!

Revrunner said...

I'm thinking that the kind of frost you are describing is rare here in Virginia.

Nefertiti said...

Superbe !

Janet said...

Love it! I've only had the opportunity to photograph hoarfrost once.

Janet said...

Love it! I've only had the opportunity to photograph hoarfrost once.

NatureFootstep said...

yes, this is a top shot. :)

Rose said...

I love this shot of hoarfrost on the fence and weeds.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.