Sunday, February 3, 2013

Scavenger Hunt

1. Hidden (in Algonquin Provincial Park)

Welcome to this week's edition of Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

Was this photographer hidden from the birds he was trying capture at a feeder behind the visitor centre? Probably not. But they may have forgotten he was there because they did return to the feeder a few minutes after he caused them to scatter.

2. Plain

Plain, not painted or fancy....but I admit the cupola atop the barn is an attractive addition.

3. Left

Drive slowly and turn left to continue down this snowy driveway.

4. Past

These tools were used in the past by lumberjacks in the Algonquin Provincial Park.

OOPS! I just realized the prompt was FAST. I guess my brain was slow, not fast with this one!

5. Peace

Ah, doesn't this photo make you feel at least for a few seconds?

I am linking to Ashley Sisk's Scavenger Hunt HERE


Indrani said...

Great series of shots for the theme.

Anonymous said...

A very welcome looking feed for the horses!

Tamar SB said...

These are all so pretty!

Stephanie said...

The barn and the turn in the road are beautiful.

Elisa N Viajes said...

The first one is the photographe´s hunt! I love it!
Have a nice weekend
Elisa, in Argentina

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love "plain" & "peace" ... nice ones this week. i love the snowy views. we are having snow fall here today. love it!! makes it feel like winter for sure. stay warm. ( :

DrillerAA said...

Even though the barn may be unpainted and unadorned with other decoration, it makes an excellent photo. Well done. Have a blessed day.

Unknown said...

Wonderful set of shots = I do love that barn.

Patricia said...

I loved all the photos! Specially the one that makes me feel at peace..beautiful...the magic of a white season!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You faked me out with your Past. I love the barn and the Peace shot. Bird photographers are more patient that I am.

Anonymous said...

or for #4 you read the prompts too 'fast'

cieldequimper said...

I like the letter P today!

Michelle said...

All shots are beautiful, but the "plain" photo is my favorite.

Karen said...

I laughed at Past...quite a few times I have mis-read or maybe mis-remembered the prompt! I love your photo of pretty!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wonderful pictures, all. You had me going there for a minute with Past - I was wondering if I had done it wrong - then had a chuckle about past/fast. Super!!

Carla Hutchins said...

That plain shot is beautiful

Simon said...

Past, fast. It's all good. Love that hidden shot, and the plain barn is lovely.

Unknown said...

What wonderful shots! The barn is great and I really love your "fast" photo even though it wasn't the right promt. It gave me a giggle and made me wish the prompt had been past. Great interpretations.


TexWisGirl said...

laughing at past/fast. :)

and i love your 'plain'!

Gail Dixon said...

A wonderful set this week! The last shot is so serene.

Nicki said...

These winter shots are marvelous. I love the simplicity of your barn / plain shot and that of the farm/peace. Well done!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice set of finds for the scavenger hunt!

Lowell said...

Another excellent series. And not too fast, either. Just right. And what's past is past. Right?

RedPat said...

I always look forward to your scavenger hunt posts!

Rose said...

That last reminds me of something that would have been a Currier & Ives print. Really love it...and love the past/fast thing...glad I am not the only one to do stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

These are great! I love that barn. Your shot for left is awesome as well.

Jack said...

You are a clever girl, EG.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Makes a lovely series! (I have to smile at your mistaking fast for past..I'm glad you did because I love that collection of old tools!)

Susan said...

Wonderful, but my favorites are left and peace. Just beautiful!

Jen said...

Left is my favorite, too. All these beautiful photos almost make me wish I live somewhere it snows.

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

These are beautiful! Past/Fast..whatever. :)
I love that barn and the cupola is very pretty!


Heehee, past is my favorite!:) Loving each find of course, and the last one does make me feel peaceful!

Hilda said...

This photographic scavenger hunt looks fun. You sure got them all, and well. And you're right about the "peace" photo. :)

Randy said...

The "Peace" shot is my favorite. What a beautiful looking place.

Esther Joy said...

Enjoyed your scavenger shots!

Stephanie said...

A great selection for your scavenger hunt this week. I agree with the last one, very peaceful.

George said...

I like your photos in this scavenger hunt. I even enjoyed your little mistake. The old tools are pretty neat.

Susan Anderson said...

Old tools fascinate me, and that last photo is so serene.


A Colorful World said...

You always do the BEST job with the Scavenger Hunt! It is such a fun meme, I would love to join in one day but I think every time "What on earth would I have come up with for THAT?" You never fail!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.