Monday, April 1, 2013

March into April/Our World/Nature Notes

Evidence of spring

1. Largest square: coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) - Now I KNOW it's spring.
2. Drab dried reeds on the edge of a small pnd
3. Clear water, recently unfrozen
4. Mute swan claiming a mound for building a nest
5. Catkins
6. Two Canada geese yelling at each other

Frenchman's Bay, Pickering

Frenchman's Bay on Lake Ontario is free of ice. Yay! But further north, most lakes are still covered in ice and snow. Boo! We are still awaiting the arrival of the REAL spring.

Frenchman's Bay - ice melting around the edges about a week ago

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.


Andy said...

All of you photos are telling us that spring is very close. I had a couple of Canada Geese chase me away from a spot that I think they wanted to build a nest on.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

We're a few weeks ahead of you I think.

Darla said...

Like your collage. Finding evidence of the coming spring is exciting in its own way.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the ducks on the ice make me smile. they live in a spectacular landscape

Dianne said...

that flower is gorgeous!!

Jill said...

A wonderful montage of spring!

TexWisGirl said...

just love those blues, though.

Gail Dixon said...

What a difference one week makes. Still, the partially frozen water makes for a cool photo. I do hope spring arrives soon for you guys. I know you're sick of it. Have a great week!

Malyss said...

We all KNOW that it's officially spring, but we'd prefer to have some proof, as the weather is still winter-like..
I always like when you speak about FRENCH man Lake! :o)

Stephanie said...

Lovely images today.

Judy said...

You are so lucky to have something blooming!! Both patches of coltsfoot here are still covered with snow. But I am going further south than you, to Woodstock, to see my Mom and do some cooking for her. She spends 4 to 5 hours a day at the hospital with my father, and three months of that is wearing her down.


Very pleasant scenes - it looks like the ice is dissipating for sure! Hope Spring will make itself felt!

RedPat said...

It sure doesn't feel like spring today!

Giga said...

U Was już widać troszkę wiosny, u nas śnieg znowu wsyzstko przykrył. Uroczy kolaż. Pozdrawiam.
U can see you have a little spring in our snow covered wszyzstko again. Lovely collage. Yours.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

It looks so pretty there!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

nice. i love that flower in the mosaic. so neat! ( :
great shots.

Carver said...

Beautiful shots. I always enjoy your nature mosaics and I also like the individual shots. Looks like the thaw has begun in your neck of the woods.

Roan said...

I love spring. Bring it on! Very nice evidence.

Randy said...

Love that nature collage.

kayerj said...

I always enjoy your collages. the yellow flower looks very cheery.

Susan said...

What a beautiful area! Love your photos! They tell stories!

Naperville Now said...

love the geese! great capture (and thanks for your kind words). it is sunny here in Chicago but cold. this time last year, it was 85! 2 extremes.

Laura said...

much the same here... bits and pieces of spring teasing...but not yet in full bloom.

NatureFootstep said...

I still ahve not seen any coltsfoot. Not even a bud. :(

Karen said...

What a great spring collage!

Hootin Anni said...

...and everything is so beautiful in its own way. When the lakes and ponds thaw, it's definitely a Springtime event!

Anonymous said...

Oh ~ Wow ~ Great shots for Spring on NN ~ thanks ^_^

Cynthia M. said...

Love your photo collage! We don't have Coltsfoot anywhere on our property, but I'll have to hunt for some when I'm out in the woods. Great photos!

Rose said...

Like this collage...really love those dry hanging down things...I think you call them catkins.

Rambling Woods said...

The goose pair with neck out is a threat to another or a congrats for scaring another goose that the pair shares.. Like a high five..iPad..michelle

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.