Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cattle and Corn/Friday Fences

 Eating grass, not the corn

Can you see the electrified fencing between the cows and the road?

At first I was very impressed with these well-behaved cattle.  The corn was right there but they seemed content eating the grass.

Can you see the reason for the good behavior?

But then I noticed what was between the cattle and the corn. Yep, I would have behaved too.

I am linking to Friday Fences here.


Revrunner said...

Looks like the word has gotten around: Don't touch the corn! :-)

Nancy said...

We've seen a few adventurous cows reach under the fence with no consequence -- they are trained young to respect the fence! :)

Lisa Gordon said...

I would have behaved too!!
Sweet shots!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice shot. Cows and Corn together but separate.

Judy said...

I'd behave especially if those wire are juiced :)

Darla said...

Guess the cows have figured out how the fence works.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i bet without that fence they would be eating themselves sick on all that corn... i love cows

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE these shots I have always admired well behaved cattle by the way. Great shots. B

Indrani said...

Absolutely delightful captures.

Small City Scenes said...

I wouldn't want to touch a hot fence either. We all have I guess--cows included. MB

TexWisGirl said...

yup, that's about the only way to stop 'em from getting through. :)

Rohrerbot said...

That has got to be torture!

Judy said...

I once had a horse that knew how to unhook the fence from the battery that operated it. He also knew how to open doors to the feed barn and gates.
I like those brown cows!

Crafty Green Poet said...

seems a little excessive to electrify the fences....

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

It is not excessive as the cows only ever touch the wire once and then always stay clear of it,in fact probably if it was turned off, they still would stay on their side!

Gail Dixon said...

That last cow is looking back as though she knows she's getting a little too close! Sweet pics.

Stephanie said...

Great photos today!


They learned fast! Love the glimpse of lush corn fields.

Jack said...

Those farmers. Smart folks.

Randy said...

Cute cows.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I've been shocked by an electric fence and I never go near them anymore, either. :) Sweet photos!

Anonymous said...

Great cattle control!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Yes, I can tell you from experience that electric fencing will zap you a good one!

Halcyon said...

Let's just keep the illusion alive. They are very well-behaved cattle. :)

Anonymous said...

Darn electric fences ruin all their fun!

kayerj said...

I love cows. We had a cow just like the one in your second photo. Her name was Daisy and she had tons of personality. great shots today.

Ruth Kelly said...

Those cows would certainly eat that corn if they could get to it.

Nature in the Burbs said...

That must be awfully tempting!

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful cows.

Rose said...

Yep, I see the reason and I would have behaved, too! I feel like I am extra sensitive to electricity...I have had static shock make me cry when I worked in this one factory.

One time when I was a kid, I was closing an electric fence is this little spring thing covered by a plastic handle. My hand slid off and I rammed it real good against the electric about pain!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.