Monday, September 23, 2013

Making a Curb/Our World

 Curb being formed

I have never seen curbs being formed before so when I saw it happening I was fascinated.  I hope you find this interesting too.

 Curb making machine (left), cement mixer (right)

The job involved two large machines and several workers.

 Transferring cement to curb making machine #1

I was pleased to see that there were several workers there making sure everything was going smoothly and safely.

 Transferring cement to curb making machine #2

Cement moved down a chute then up a conveyor belt, sprayed with a bit of water to maintain the correct consistency, and then down into the machine to be lower into the ditch below and shaped into the curb. (See top photo)

Other side of curb making machine

Here you can see the edge of the road and the ditch being filled with the new curb.

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Andy said...

It's always so easy when you have the right tools.

Revrunner said...

Beats doing it by hand, I suppose.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i knew they have a machine for everything these days but i have not seen a curb maker. really cool how it does that... and the house behind the machine has me drooling.

Gail Dixon said...

I've never seen a curb being made either. Interesting!

Darla said...

So that's how it is done. Huh. Never even thought about it but I will now notice curbs with a new eye.


TexWisGirl said...

interesting - no forms, just the right machinery.

Randy said...

I hate construction but I do like that house behind all the machines.

Pamela Gordon said...

Now that was interesting. I've never thought about how they make curbs today. :)

Small City Scenes said...

Very interesting. You are just in the right spot at the right time. MB

Karen said...

Amazing machine!

Rose said...

Oh, yes, it is interesting...can you just imagine the time it saves with not having to build forms? Never mind the manpower it saves.

Esther Joy said...

Looks like some fine curbing is going on! Great photos of the event!

Linda W. said...

Ah yes. I'm a civil engineer who designs roads, so I'm very familiar with this machine. It's very intersting to watch it in action.

NatureFootstep said...

yes, that is quite interesting. :)

Photo Cache said...

very very interesting. i have never seen it done before either.

emma and buster

eileeninmd said...

All you need is the right machinery! It is an interesting procedure! Have a happy week!

Indrani said...

Very mechanized. Here the scene would have been different.

Stephanie said...

Quite a lot of machinery for a curb.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Those are some BIG machines.

Cezar and Léia said...

Great pictures, lots of hard work is going on there!

Fun60 said...

Never thought about them being made before. Interesting post.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.