Monday, September 2, 2013

Summer/ Fall

Early September

Okay, it's September for sure. But is is fall or is it still summer here in Ontario? Some people say autumn starts on September 1st, others claim the season changes at the autumnal equinox. Following, an insect and  few wildflowers have opinions too:

In the largest square, a carpenter bee seems to think it's still summer. It can't get enough of that yummy nectar.

Moving clockwise, the Queen Anne's lace is looking a lot like late summer/early fall.  And a field of Joe-pye weed says early fall, but the evening primrose says it's still summer. The closeup of a stalk of Joe-pye weed and the field of goldenrod are certain it's fall - the sun refused to shine the day their photos were taken.

What season do you think it is?

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.


Revrunner said...

I'm missing summer already and it's not even fall yet. :-)

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful late summer colour palette, CG. Some trees here think it's fall but, the hummingbirds think it's still late summer as they are still around. I believe that fall starts on Sept. 22 (21) and no sooner. :)

TexWisGirl said...

love the queen anne's lace.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Its a steamy jungle here the last week so summer! :0 )


It is incredibly humid and constantly raining around here, so it certainly doesn't feel fall-ish at all!

The Furry Gnome said...

I vote for early fall. Heard the first leaves falling in the woods yesterday when I was walking the dog.

Stephanie said...

I enjoy viewing your collages, love them all.

Anonymous said...

A lovely collage.

Our photos said...

Your collage is lovely!
Greetings, RW & SK

Linda W. said...

It's still warm and lovely here so I think it's summer. Nice photo collage. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Dan said...

I'll leave it to nature to tell me, she's usually spot on. ;-)

cieldequimper said...

I dunno, do people desperately want autumn to begin on the 1st? I've always known autumn to begin on the equinox. Your photos look very much like summer to me!

Darla said...

The collage does a good job of showing the changes taking place. I always think summer is over after Labor Day here in the U.S. That probably comes from the fact that kids traditionally go back to school. Some places they go back even earlier these days though.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the queen annes lace, so beautiful..when i saw the bee, this popped in my head.
fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy wuzzy... just consider the source on that one.. part of my name is MAD

Crafty Green Poet said...

I traditionally think of autumn starting on 1 September, but it's still summer warm here. The trees are starting to turn though so fall can't be far away

Viola said...

Such a beautiful summer autumn! =)

We've had hot summer days the latest period until the latest days.. still I can touch a little of the summer, but the evenings with the fresh air tell me it's autumn..

Carver said...

Lovely shots from summer ending and fall getting ready to begin.

Rambling Woods said...

Great story told my your collage.. In my head, I know it is early fall, but my heart says late summer.. Michelle

Rose said...

I have been seeing some goldenrod here, too...and to me that shouts fall!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful images, Tina! I love the purples and yellows in your photos and mosaic. Have a happy week!

Jenn Jilks said...

I love the slow transition!

Anonymous said...

I certainly believe this is the "End of Summer," which should be a season of it's own. It starts mid-August when I go back to work and ends sometime towards the end of September.

Love the mosaic!

Susan Anderson said...

Looking forward to fall is where I am. And I can see some of that in your collage.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.