Monday, April 20, 2015

Swimming in Icy Water

 Police officer putting on his drysuit

Are you curious? I was.

 Pylons and police ribbon in water

Seems there had been a training mission here earlier and some equipment had been left behind. Notice there's still some ice on the lake!

 Taking out a pylon

The icy water didn't appear to bother him.

 Gathering up the police ribbon too

All cleaned up!

Back in for a refreshing dip and the backstroke

FYI: This officer and his partner (who did not suit up so stayed on dry land) were super nice guys to let me take these photos.

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


eileeninmd said...

It is nice to know these Policemen are so well trained.. Just in case a rescue is needed.. Great shots, have a happy week!

Mersad said...

Looks like quite a challange.

Mersad Donko Photography

Revrunner said...

Looks like he's outfitted for a trip to the moon rather than to the lake. :-)

Jenn Jilks said...

It's good to know that they train! What fun taking photos of them!

Rose said...

Better them than me...makes me thankful for people like them that are will to go the extra mile and put their life on the line.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Those dry suits must be so good EG, love that he went back in so you could get that shot :)

Penelope Postcards said...

I can tell he is fit. The way this man bends down to do up his shoelaces got my attention. I might not be able to get back up if I did it his way. :)

Anvilcloud said...

It actually looks like fun.

George said...

This officer obviously enjoys his work.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad it was training and not for real, love that floating officer.. I am withPenelope on the good job tying laces standing up like that.. i have to put my foot up on something to tie mine

TexWisGirl said...

love that last shot!!

Mary Hone said...

That's good they train in those suits, they don't look easy to swim in.

Darla said...

Great series of photos.


Gill - That British Woman said...

that was nice of them. Mind you I would have been the one on dry land in that partnership as well!!

William Kendall said...

Those suits must do what they're advertised to do- he doesn't look uncomfortable.

Lowell said...

You took advantage of their niceness...super shots. Love that last one. This guy had a sense of humor! I wouldn't go in that water with a thermal wet suit!

Linda W. said...

Glad that there are people and clothing/equipment available to rescue folks in need.

Sylvia K said...

What terrific shots!! And how great that they let you take them! It's wonderful indeed that we have people like this and that they are protected with clothing and equipment! Thanks, as always, for sharing with us the great people and places that you do photograph! I look forward every day to seeing your posts!! Have a beautiful new week!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

He's a good sport to allow you snapping pics of him! I'm so thankful we have such guys in times of need!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What fun, they are good guys. I wonder if that suit makes him float better? Boy, you were in the right place at the right time!

VP said...

It looks like the officer almost enjoyed doing this! A very good reportage...

mick said...

Great photos and good to know that they are trained for all conditions. However, I'd rather have the feel of nice warm water around me as I swim!!

Andy said...

Female cops would have never left anything behind. ;)

RedPat said...

He'll need a hot cup of tea after that!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Rather him than me. I'm happy to photograph people doing mad brave things though. These images are crystal clear.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photos and what a find to photograph!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Photo Cache said...

Right place at the right time.

Worth a Thousand Words

Kate said...

Brave souls! I admire them but doubt that I would venture out in that water.

Unknown said...

Chilly stuff..but necessary practice I'm sure for the real thing...

Valerie said...

Brrrrr . . am thinking a nice hot bath sounds good about now! A fun post.

Pamela Gordon said...

That's so neat that you came across these guys. Fun to see him enjoying his 'swim' after his work. :)

Stephanie said...

Wonderful captures!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Lets hope that suit doesn't spring a leak. It would be mighty cold water getting in there.

Gail Dixon said...

I'm glad it was just a training thing and not a tragedy of some kind. Neat photos! Very nice of them to let you capture them!

Randy said...

Bet the water was cold.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

They were nice guys. Nice pics.

Anonymous said...

Brrr - looks cold! The firemen practise in our lake - even in winter when they practise winter rescue missions.

Kay said...

Those suits are truly lifesavers. We lost two kayakers recently who'd not realized how seriously to take wind small craft warnings. The waves tossed them into the water and hypothermia did its nasty business.

Krishna/കൃഷ്ണ said...

A great challenge

Thanks for photos

lotusleaf said...

That was a brave act! Thanks for sharing the photos.

lotusleaf said...

That was a brave act! Thanks for sharing the photos.

Adam Jones said...

That makes me shiver just looking at those pictures. Brrrrr!

MICKAN from QUEENS FIELD¸.•°`♥✿⊱╮ said...

Looks like a cold water.
Nice that you could take some great shots.

Mari said...

Yeah I was just thinking if it was ok to take pics of him. That's great they allowed you to. Looks like it's chilly on the water.

Kathy said...

You had a great time watching this, didn't you? You were in the right place at the right time!

Debbie said...

i, so many kind people who don't mind being "blog" material!!

it's so fun to watch and photograph a random event like this!!!!

Halcyon said...

Glad this isn't my job! ;-)

Small City Scenes said...

Very interesting post. Yeah, lets take a swim in the icy water. back stroke backstroke, LOL

Malyss said...

Courageous man ! Worth to be admired !

Unknown said...

Brave guy! :-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Brrr . We've watched some coast guard and firemen training missions before and it's really interesting to see. But never in such cold waters. They should get even more extra hazard pay!

Jack said...

Oh, Lord! In Canada? Now? I am quivering just to think about it.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Cool photos. I'd be willing to put on that gear and go swimming. At least once.

Powell River Books said...

Good to have first responders practice to keep us safe. - Margy

Anonymous said...

That is nice of them. We had a couple of real "training" missions this winter when the police were nice enough to rescue deer that had fallen through water.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.