Friday, April 3, 2015

Wonky Spring Reflections

 Only reminders of winter past remain - whoo hoo!

1. I'd LOVE to post photos of crocuses and daffodils, but right now I'm content to photograph the remnants of ice on this creek running through a local wetland. Winter is fading. The day I took this photo, the sky was a clear blue reflected in the water along with the reflections of twigs and dried grass. True, not the yellows of daffodils or the purples of crocuses...but still a welcome sight.

Another view

2. Lately I have seen some colour on the creek, but it was of skittish hooded mergansers and wood ducks, making getaways way to fast for me to capture with my camera!

3. I have seen evidence of rabbits underneath our bird feeder, but they must have been visiting at night during the winter. They are braver now that the weather is warmer and the days are longer, which makes me wonder if mama rabbit has baby bunnies she needs to feed.

4. I haven't seen any yummy milk chocolate bunnies hopping through the yard though.  If I did I'd have to set a trap, wouldn't you? Would you eat the ears or feet first?

5. Are you dyeing eggs for Easter?  Believe it or not,  Ameraucana, Araucan and Easter Egger hens lay eggs coloured blue, green or sometimes pink. Kinda cool, don't you think?

To enjoy reflections from around the world, visit James at Weekend Reflections HERE

I am joining Nancy's Random 5 Friday at Rural Journal HERE


Mersad said...

Wow, you still have some snow and ice lingering in the fields. Here the days are windy but dry and the sun is out too.

Mersad Donko Photography

The Cranky said...

Milk chocolate bunnies? I'd bite off their little feet of course, so they couldn't hop away!

eileeninmd said...

Pretty reflections! I do not eat the chocolate bunnies, but my hubby loves them.. It would be nice to have the eggs already colored instead of dying them. Happy Easter, have a great weekend!

Kate said...

Woo Hoo is right! Hopefully the buds on trees and bushes will appear soon.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Lovely 'non spring flower' reflections EG :) I'm going to try and not eat chocolate this Easter.. Yeh, like that's going to happen :)

Snap said...

Love the reflections. I'd probably eat the ears of the chocolate bunny first. Happy Easter!

TexWisGirl said...

lovely blue water! i'd eat the bunny butt first. :)

George said...

I'm glad winter is fading away for you. It won't belong before you will be enjoying Spring colors, but I really like the beautiful blue sky in the reflections you captured.

rainfield61 said...

I am glad to see some beautiful melting ice.

Unknown said...

Lovely! I especially like the contrasts in the top shot.

Linda W. said...

Hope you catch one of those chocolate bunnies! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is good to see you have sun to make reflections and melt the ice. i like water view and reflections every bit as much as flowers. i eat a choc bunny so fast i can't tell if i ate the ears or feet first. have not had one in many years. yes i would trap one if he ran therough the yard.. no dyed eggs for us and i saw photos of colored eggs but have never seen one in real life. i mean out of the chickens.

Mascha said...

Nice reflections and a long waited spring sign...
I always eat the ears at first.
Find it strange, if hens give colored eggs (never heard about them before).
Happy Easter :-)

Sylvia K said...

I do love your shots for the day!! Yes, I eat the feet first so the rabbits don't run away! With no kids in the house anymore I don't have to color eggs!! Hooray!! Be fun to find those hens who lay colored eggs!!! So glad to see you're getting a break from the snow -- at last!!! Our weather is still so amazingly mild here in Portland! I love it!! Have a great weekend!! Happy Easter!

Mary Hone said...

Love he reflection. It's like spring is tempting you.

Latane Barton said...

keep the faith, you will eventually get some daffodils.

Gattina said...

Fortunately we don't have ice anymore, but the weather is still cold and spring is on strike ! This year I don't do anything for Easter decorations.

Lowell said...

The transition from winter to spring is always joyous! Glad to see it is happening for you. Have a wonderful weekend!

VP said...

Bye bye, winter!

Esther Joy said...

One month ago we had snow! So thankful to have my first tulip blooming today with many others threatening to open up any minute!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I remember reading that Martha Stewart's hens laid colored eggs. And I have gotten green eggs. In our grocery store, they are even selling dyed marbled hard cooked eggs; already done for you. I am tempted...If you find any of those chocolate bunnies, I will be right there to get the first bite on the ears!

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful reflective shots! Love that the ice is melting...maybe there will be crocuses soon! It would be awesome to have one's eggs "pre-dyed" by the hen! :-) This is the first year we aren't dyeing any.

RedPat said...

I saw my first crocuses of the year about an hour ago when out for a walk! But I also saw some stubborn patches of snow and ice in shady spots. Love your reflection shots.

Malyss said...

Blue is the first color of spring .
i'd eat ears first ! :o)
Happy Easter !

Ida said...

So happy you are seeing signs of spring even if your flowers haven't bloomed yet. (You can enjoy mine) and later I'll enjoy yours. :o)

I always eat the "ears" first off of Chocolate Bunnies.
I'm not sure if we're dyeing eggs or not, Coleen likes to but sometimes we just skip it. She'll do the Plastic Egg hunt though.

Happy Easter.

Montanagirl said...

Nice reflections! Happy Easter to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Signs of spring ... yeah !

Kay said...

There are people living around here who sell the most beautiful pastel eggs from their chickens. Quite a contrast to the supermarket eggs!
I'm trying to stay away from my typical chocolate frenzy this Easter...I need to learn some restraint.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Nice reflections. Have a wonderful Easter.

Debbie said...

my eggs are dyed and i have lot's of chocolate in the house. have a wonderful easter weekend!!!

Unknown said...

Great first picture, glad to see you are getting blue skies...alway start with the ears..

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Well, if it's any consolation, I haven't seen any chocolate bunnies hopping through my yard either!...:)JP

Carver said...

Beautiful shots of early spring. I hope you will also get crocuses and daffodils soon but the remnants of winter are appealing. I didn't know about chickens laying colored eggs. I used to dye eggs but haven't since my chick left the nest. Happy Easter.

Cloudia said...

Bunnies! Yum

ALOHA from Honolulu,

Stephanie said...

No chocolates here! Great post!

Jeanne said...

soon on the crocuses!

Randy said...

Love that first reflection.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty shots!

I always bite the ears of a chocolate bunny first.

Jenn Jilks said...

We had a ton of chocolate! The grandkids were here!

abrianna said...

Beautiful blues, whites and browns and wonderful reflections too.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.