Northern Cloudywings (
Thorybes pylades) are skippers common to most of North America. Until I took this photo, I thought they were plain little butterflies. But hey! Close up this little guy is kinda cute. I hope you agree.
Its compound eyes could melt the heart of it's prospective mate. ;-)
These little guys rarely venture into built-up areas, so unless you live or visit the country you may have never seen one before.
Very cool macro. And yeah, I suppose he's cute in a rugged, Marlboro Man sort of way. (Unless "he's" actually a "she" in which case boy is my face red!)
- Mojo
I really like the presentation...and I can see why another Cloudywing might be bowled over but, me, I'll stick with Brad Pitt, thanks..
I love your photos!!!
Great job!! Love the way you fit everything here. MB
He is cute, in a fuzzy "bug-eyed" sorta way. :)
Nice picture! I finally captured some butterflies today that weren't blurry...I am hoping to post them later tonight.
what a fantastic capture! He (she?) is very beautiful. :)
I'm telling you again...you make the best collages or whatever you call this that I've ever seen and I mean that sincerely!
It's such a pity that I haven't time enough to see all these magnificent photos! I enjoy to see your pictures!
Gorgeous! I love whatever photo program you are using to make these neat set-ups! That is a beautiful shot, too!
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