Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gated Community/ Sky Watch

Sunset through Gate

Here you see the sun going down over the gate house in a gated community in a town south of East Gwillimbury. Yes, I'm on the outside looking in. Beyond the gate is a golf course and beautiful mansions. I'm fascinated by the lamp, gate and roofs...but not envious of a lifestyle that fears riffraff common people like me and (I think) most of you.

To see tons of gorgeous skies from around the world, visit the Sky Watch Website and click on Mr. Linky:


George said...

The gate and lamp is very pretty, but not nearly as pretty as the sun and sky behind them. Great photo.

Dewdrop said...

I'm not envious of that either. I love your composition of the shot... the contrail and patchy clouds made for a lovely setting sun shot.

ninja said...

So good Your on the outside;)

Judy said...

Very pretty....but if I were to be fenced in, I would rather be with the sheep and goats in the photo from yesterday.

Small City Scenes said...

Everything in the shot id beautiful. I too like the older style lamp posts.
Walled or gated communities are scary. Look back into history and what happened to walled cities. There is riff-raff inside those walls too. MB

Arr Cee said...

Are these gated communities common in EG? I'm not that familiar with the geography, all the straight roads confused me when I was over last summer, but I'm sure I never saw any. What exactly are they afraid of, or hiding from?

Mojo said...

Oh what a killer view! Is it time for Skywatch already?? Where did the week go?

Great job!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm not sure what they're afraid of. You'll have to ask THEM. LOL

Lowell said...

You do have the "eye." Very effective and unique composition, and a wonderful photograph resulted!

PERBS said...

You are so right about the lamp! The composition of that photo is so exquisite. . . witht he sunset, it is even more spectacular but I bet it would be gorgous in the daytime too. How about with snow? I am thinking that area deserves another shot in different seasons and time sof day.

I lived in a gated community once but was only renting. It was supposed to be a safe place for older people. I missed not getting any trick or treaters. I loved livign next door to Walmart. lol Nothing like shopping at 3:00 in the morning!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I was laughing at your "riffraff" comment!!! Guess I am in the "riffraff" brigade as well!!

Great photo.


Anonymous said...

lovely shot

My entry for SWF post this week: in HERE. I hope that you can stop by as well. Thanks

KOSTAS said...

Amazing picture, the shades of gate but also the intense light blue sky, make beautiful opposition!

Guy D said...

Perfect silhouette of the gate, I love this pic. Great post as always.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Louise said...

I love the foreground props. Who wouldn't want to live behind that gate?

Anonymous said...

So ver enjoyable image, thank you!

Jan said...

Love your photo, it's perfect. This post made me laugh. My husband is retired LAPD. When we retired 10 years ago, we decided to move to a gated community, so that we could travel without having to worry about being burglarized while we were gone. (Statistically, most homes are burglarized by neighborhood teenagers.) Our community has 1200 homes; we also have a golf course. If you live here, at least one person must be 55, so it's a gated, golf course, senior community.

Personally, I'm not afraid of much, but I hate it when people think they can take my stuff.

Anonymous said...

I want to visit this place. Very beautiful!

SandyCarlson said...

Save me a piece, please!

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful shot and I love the way you took it over the gate. I hate the trend towards gated communities. I would never live in one even if I could afford to. Although I couldn't afford it even if I wanted to (but I never would want to), there is a trend towards gated communities where I live even with more modest houses. Still expensive but not huge. I just don't get it. It's a nuisance to visit friends who live in gated communities (checking in at the gate) and the whole concept annoys me.

Anonymous said...

So nice! You've got a "day" sky and "evening" sky all in the same pic! And I love the silhouettes...nice.

Anonymous said...

Lovely gate under a romantic sky - it didn't matter that you were on the outside!

bowledover said...

Lovely capture evenings promise.

Carol said...

Beautiful shot. I love the sunset through the gate...and the lamp. Its' a great composition.

Tarolino said...

Again I cannot but sit here and sigh. Gorgeous - all of it.

I have something for you in my blog so when you get a moment come and collect :)

Anonymous said...

Nice gates, but those on the outside have more fun! And the sun shines on everyone :)

Anonymous said...

what a lovely capture of the sunset...thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Great composed and perfect exposed image. Well done.

Have a nice weekend.


Wonderful photo! Full of drama - and very good composing from the one with the camera!

And that straight cloud over the sky was ment for this image!

Janie said...

I'm not sure I'd want to be locked into that gated community. The exclusion seems to shut out life. But I just love your composition. very beautiful.

Rune Eide said...

Another example of: The foreground makes the picture. Highly enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

Wow I love the silhoutte shot here! so dramatic!

Photo Cache said...

Beautifully captured and composed.

Anonymous said...

It does look like wonderland behind the gate! beautiful shot!

Gaelyn said...

I'd be on the outside looking in also. Nice foreground for a spectacular sunset. Love the lamp, and gate. Great capture.

Sylvia K said...

What an incredible shot! Wow! Love those vapor trails. And the gate and lamp just add to the beauty. Thanks for sharing. Happy SWF!

Reader Wil said...

This is so beautiful! The colours and composition are perfect!

Anonymous said...

Magnificent sky at sunset! I love the trees lit up in the background and the silhouetted ones in the foreground.
Beautiful photo with lots of pretty designs! I'm curious about who lives there. :)

Lene said...

Soooooo beautiful silhouette! And wonderful sunset! Well done :)

And - yes - it`s cuite fun to crawl down at the ground, discovering other perspectives at the world. But don`t you get the cold, either, lol ;)

The weeks are flying away - it feels like yesterday was friday - and suddently it is friday tomorrow :) Have a great weekend - maby down on the ground ;)

cieldequimper said...

The shot is great. Those communities simply baffle me. I don't think we have them... yet...

Anonymous said...

Very lovely view, even if it's a barrier! How about bumper stickers that say: Riffraff and Proud!

Jeri ~ said...

Wow, what a great shot! Lucky for you (and all of us)that you were on the outside!

Carolyn said...

Stunning photograph with lovely composition. You are so creative in your set up. And I have to agree with you on the gated community. Thank you for sharing with the "common folk" and have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very nice silhouettes and awesome sky. Very nicely captured. I like this a lot! Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty shot - from one of your happy riff-raff fans!

Diane AZ said...

At least the gate makes an attractive silhouette for your sky photo. The trees, clouds and sky colors are beautiful too.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful scene. Gated communities are new in Flanders (EU), I am not sure what to think about it.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

nice shot, sometimes i wonder how it feel to live in a gate community, i wish i can afford. :)
Skywatch Friday

ms426d said...

Beautiful blog, spectular skies. Have a good week.

Carletta said...

Beautiful! I like the gate being silhouetted. I think I see a lonely little bird in the tree - I could be wrong but I bet it can't find a bird feeder in that neighborhood. :)

PJ said...

East Gwillumbury sounds like a place where munchkins might live. They have mansions in gated communities? I tell you, the things you learn online.
Just kidding! Cool shot and I'll bet Pensacola sounds plenty weird. Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

You have really captured this shot well - I love the lamp and the atmosphere created by the sunset.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the lamp and the gate fascinates me too, the lamp caught my attention first. Very excellent composition.

Linnea said...

I think your view of the gate is probably better than the view the homeowners on the other side get! Lovely silhouettes. Congrats...great photo!

Anonymous said...

That would include ME! hehehe Doesn't bother me either, that have problems worse than mine!!

Great photo & beautifully silhouetted!!! I love it!!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Outside looking in. What a metaphor. I'd happy to be standing with you as part of the riff raff to really see and appreciate the glorious image.

Mary said...

Wonderful framing of this! The sun is so perfect through the gate.

Becky said...

I love this EG, and especially the way the sun is shining on the lamps. Beautiful shot!

Lew said...

Beautiful sunset! And quite a different community than your sepia photo, which I also like!

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful silhouette effect ~

Arija said...

Now tht is a really stunning shot! WOW!

Pearl Maple said...

It is a lovely photo, the shapes of the buidlings and trim make for a nice shadow across that blaze of colour. Thanks for sharing with Sky Watch Friday and thanks for your kind comments on my post earlier.

Suffeli kuvailee said...

so beautiful photo :)
have a nice weekend!

Unknown said...

This shot has all the good composition..great.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Spices of Life said...

lovely sunset... one of the great sky i've seen today

Unknown said...

Love the silhouettes you captures against that gorgeous sky. Love the hand post up top too

Daryl said...

Oh this is special ...

Anonymous said...

Stunning photo! That's one beautiful sky.

My Skywatch:
Full Moon Sunset

Lisa Wilson said...

Oooo very pretty!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

EG: What a neat shot of the sky through the gate. You captured a neat onre there.

Laurieluc said...

lovely capture

Anonymous said...

This is a keeper Camera Girl.

Rose said...

Beautiful seems to fit this very well!

storyteller said...

Wonderful capture ... excellent composition and beautiful colors. I'm not much for 'gated communities' either. I'd much rather be on the outside ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

soulbrush said...

eggsellent, riffraff? us?

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.